Boro Boro Chandelier by @NealAronowitz. Represented by @JayScott at Habatat Galleries


Function: Connect with the Oneness of Creation

Color: Purple / White

Meditation Sounds: The Eye of The Universe by La Luna: Youtube

Many people believe that the Crown chakra is the end of the line, a pinnacle, or top spot in the chakra system. This is not true. There are actually many chakras aside from the 7 that we have focused on for the purposes of this column, but that does not negate the experience of an open crown. At this stage in your sou'ls evolution, another layer of reality has been revealed beyond the introductory magic of the 3rd eye, thereby forcing you to further expand your sense of what is real, and what is possible. The veil was lifted when your 3rd eye opened. Now, you begin to not only experience, but also fully accept without judgement, that there is even more. Here is where you meet yourself, and experience introduction to the Oneness of Creation which can be startling at the onset. But once you are grounded in your truth, this further recognition that consciousness exists across a very broad spectrum, and that we live in an open-source duality designed to test our mettle, your ability to love, becomes paramount to you navigating life fearlessly, though its never easy.

To kick-start this experience and keep the energy flowing way up the system, why not install an activated glass, or crystal chandelier to your bath or dressing area? I like the Boro Boro Chandelier by Neal Aronowitz. This visually striking piece is inspired by Feng Shui energy flow, and consist of glass tubes and rods, as well as a stainless steel suspension. Remember setting intention is everything. When you set the intention to jumpstart your crown chakra each day. That thought energy builds and spreads throughout your home, and it never disappears unintentionally. It can actually affect not only the energetic output of the lamp, but also your mood, energetic flow, and focus.

Space Portal Console by

In this energy, you've probably begun to seek out, attract and connect with other individuals that are on the same journey. You recognize their frequency. You vibe on a spiritual level that often translates into spectacular relationships of all kinds. They are could be a member of your soul family-- the souls you knew, before you knew yourself-- in this incarnation. They show up to foster further healing and growth, to activate your hidden abilities, or to show you those parts of your ego that need a bit more attention. The energetic purge that is required prior to reaching this point may have been brutal as well, calling for the end of relationships, jobs, and interests that do not speak to your highest good. You walk away knowing that its for the best, as these individuals or situations are on their own journey. You set your sights on the new, life affirming, energy affirming goals, people and situations that begin to show up in your life, but mostly you focus on you, and on the collective good that you can create using YOUR very specific gifts.

Increased creative freedom is an added bonus of an open crown chakra, and creative ideas literally appear out of nowhere. It's divine inspiration, and intervention all wrapped in one. And, yet the effects of an unopened crown are hard gauge. Particularly if you have not experienced an open 3rd Eye its just not on your radar, and you may not understand the nuances between the two experiences. From my perspective however, it's as stated above. When the 3rd Eye opens the magic begins and the veil lifts. When the crown is also at play, the magic is amplified and can transport your mind and spirit to parts previously unimaginable. And, for sure the killer of crown flow is judgement. It is very difficult for any individual who has happily super-glued their psyche to a control-based ethos to experience the freedom of crown energy. More often than not, they will reject the experience outright, based on their personal religious or familial background.

Id like to thank my featured artist this month Neal Aronowitz for allowing me to use his furnishings this month as well. His work perfectly illustrates the use of intention and materiality to raise vibration. It helps that he has cool names for his products too. Please check his website or head over to the Habatat Galleries to see more of his crown chakra inspired work. Thanks so much Neal.

And 2024 starts our next volley of What's The Flavor of the Day?. Thanks so much for subscribing and following. Thanks to all of the artist, architects and designers who have allowed me to feature their beautiful creations. I'm looking forward to highlighting the successes of many others in the new year.


