Crowded Spaces
What is it about crowded spaces that sometimes impact people in a positive way?
What is it about crowded spaces which impact people in negative ways?
Why and how can crowded spaces impact people at all?
And if you live or work in a crowded space, how can you avoid being impacted, crushed?
Science doesn't have any good answers for this. There is much that science doesn't know but let us examine what we can experience and agree upon.
If we can experience something, then it is real for us regardless of the science. After all, the Earth is not flat now, is it?
Crowded Space Phenomena
So what can we experience or have we experienced that could explain the “crowded space” phenomena?
Have you ever walked into a room where there was an upset? Or walked in where you were pretty certain they had been talking badly about you?
Was the atmosphere pretty “thick” and unpleasant?
Have you ever been near a riot or even seen one on Television? Could you feel the “tension” or “charge” in the air?
Have you been in some neighborhoods where all was good and somewhere else that you kept looking over your shoulder?
Have you ever been around a person that made you uncomfortable even if they had nothing to do with you?
On the other hand, have you been around people that made you feel at ease?
Okay, I want to give that feeling, that perception, that uncomfortableness a name. Lets call it “charge.”
It's like when someone gets really upset, they are all “charged up!”
There are people that are always charged up, they are insane. They have evil intentions. They are dangerous. Hitler was one of these. Our elite, NWO/Banksters, are all insane! That is not a maybe nor an opinion, they are insane.
You and I can detect and perceive the insanity, the evil, the charge. We might not beable to name it accurately but we know all is not well.
Another word for "charge" is "case". This is the accumulation of past upsets, pain, etc, that is used to make others wrong and to dominate others.
What makes a space “crowded”?
At a pleasant party, there may hardly be room to turn around but no one is suffering!
If you go out on the common open ground at a prison, the yard, with a lot of inmates present, it may be uncomfortable even if no one is close to you personally.
Go to a public hospital, the dying are there with all their upset relatives and the sometimes crooked staff. It is not a pleasant place!
So what can be done about the “charge” in the environment? How can you best deal with “crowded spaces”?
Go to the Mountains or Beach
The most effective and only guaranteed method is to get out of the area. Go to the mountains or the beach. I guarantee you will feel better. Sometimes just getting up on the roof works wonders!
But we can't always do that can we? So how do we move to a position of cause over the charge in the environment?
So let me state a theory, people create and have fields of energy around them. It's not really a theory, it's a fact and I can prove it simply. That would take an entire article or a few seconds in person with you. Some of the fields are good energy, laughter, smiles and hugs. Some of these fields are hate, insanity, evil, fear, perversion, etc.
When people's “fields” over-lap, we experience the other person's field. Have you hugged a little baby and just felt cozy and warm all over? The baby has a great survival field.
See the homeless guy (bum) on the street, how is his “field”. No hugs there I bet! He has too much case all around him!
Crowded Spaces
In a really crowded space, people often are not doing well in life. Real affluent people have more space, more room between them and their neighbors.
At an upscale mall, the crowds aren't a real problem. At a downscale section of a large city, the crowds can feel pretty uncomfortable.
At a wedding do you cry when you may hardly know the people getting married? At a funeral, do you cry when you're there showing respect, not that the deceased was close to you?
So what can you do about this every time?
Differentiate (notice the differences)
If the answer was yes to either of the above questions then there is a strong possibility you are confusing your emotions, your own charge with the charge or emotions of the other people present.
So the solution is to realize that what you are “feeling” is not yours. That charge or case belongs to others!
You do not have to react to other people's feelings of loss, joy or anything else.
Once when I was on the airplane, I felt fear, anxiety. I knew I wasn't personally or physically afraid. I realized I was feeling other people's fear of taking off.
Then I was at cause over my body and emotions. I ceased to be the effect of the others aboard. At that moment I realized all this, I no longer felt anxiety or fear!
So when you can't take off for the mountains, you can take a look and see if the feelings, the charge, you're perceiving or receiving is yours or not. If the charge is not yours, you don't have to be the effect of it!
I never cry at funerals or weddings. Crying at funerals upset the dead! Crying at funerals upset the living too!
Crying at weddings is silly. Weddings should be happy affairs, not the loss of a son or daughter! What does crying, an expression of grief, have to do with happiness and creating a new future?
I hope this is of some use to you. If you have a question or want to tell me I've got loose marbles, feel free to contact me.
?2012 by Carl Watts/ 01/23/12 edited 031020