Crowd Fundraising campaign for travel to Kenya to install the African Rainwater Revolution bladder in a farm pond
Today I launched a Crowd Fundraising campaign to raise $3000 for my travel expenses so that I can visit Kenya later this year:
The World Agroforestry Centre in Nairobi have invited me to travel to Kenya later this year to oversee the installation of the African Rainwater Revolution (ARR) Bladder in a farm pond. The ARR Bladder can store up to 8000 litres of potable water and will be submerged in the farm pond. I have also been invited to install Measured Irrigation on land irrigated from the farm pond. Both these installations are part of a pilot program of the Billion Dollar Business Alliance to provide thousands of farm ponds to smallholders in the drylands of Africa.
I need financial assistance to cover the return airfare from Adelaide to Nairobi. The ARR Bladder Prototype 2.1 has been manufactured in Adelaide and needs to be transported to Kenya where it will be incorporated in a pond liner for a farm pond.
Measured Irrigation is a new drip irrigation paradigm where the application rate is controlled by the weather, including temperature, humidity and rainfall. Measured Irrigation is low cost and water-efficient and may dramatically increase crop yields for smallholders by utilising limited rainfall more effectively.
More information about Measured Irrigation and the ARR Bladder is available from the measured irrigation website: