Crossword Puzzles And Online Quizzes
With it being the last day of the month, it was definitely a busy one with the drop-ins, phone calls and text messages. One of today's visitors asked how my day was going and my reply being, “It's been hectic.”, which triggered a “Well, at least it's helping your day to move all the faster.” Oh well, I guess the general public doesn't realize that 'hectic' can be taken as being something negative, and indeed I had a few toxic conversations I had to work myself thru, but in the end, all was well.
Yes, there are days when I find myself wearing many 'hats' which includes being a spiritual advisor, a counselor, an accountant, a financial planner, a banker, quality control expert, a research librarian, a senior advocate and the list goes on and on. But, in the end, I'm always happy to be of assistance because most who know me, fully understand that I've got no hidden agendas, along with wishing everyone the best. Of course there's a select few whom I'd freely push an invisible red button which would permanently send them into an alternate reality. Oh wouldn't that be fun?
I did get some good news today regarding one of my listings that's under contract, which was my having been alerted that it's appraisal met value with no repairs, so we're now one step closer to having a soft-landing at closing. Gosh I do hate it whenever there are work requirements on homes, because it always becomes an extra burden on the buyers and sellers.
When I walked out to the back of my office later this morning, I noticed several clumps of June grass with seed spikes reaching to the heavens, which was a definite indication that our growing season is being rushed because that grass was named 'June' grass because it's in the month of June when those seed spikes come about.
While skimming thru the online news today, I happened upon an article which talked about the States in which the bulk of their residents don't believe in man-made global warming, and wouldn't you know, those 'denial' States are 'red' or Republican controlled States. Of course Iowa not only has a alt-right wing Republican Governor, both our United States Senators are right-leaning Republicans, and our State's Legislature and Senate are in a Republican super-majority status, which in my mind, has me fearful about our once 'purple' State, turning into a quasi dictatorship, so anyone who wants to be somebody in this State, had better be drinking their Kool-Aid if they want to make something of themselves. In spite of everything that's been happening in our Local, State and National governments, I still in every aspect of life, consider myself a centrist.
After being altered to the possibility of a property coming on the market, I placed a call to a woman who's a close relative of an out of State buyer who's looking for something like it, and when thinking that call would only be a ten or fifteen minute one, it ended up being well over and hour long, and after hanging up, I discovered she's one more quiet and gentle soul living in our midst who's definitely under-appreciated for what she freely and willingly does for others. I dare say, our long conversation ended up being the highlight of my day.
I finally received in the mail today, an apple tree I ordered from a grower which appeared pretty healthy, but not as big as I was expecting, so it'll likely be a few more years before it starts having apples. I tried to grow the same variety some years ago, but those vile deer stripped all the bark off of it over the winter, so this time around, I'll be placing a tall protective metal fence around it. I didn't order two of them because the variety I purchased, is one of the more rare ones that's self-pollinating.
I may have to take part of a day off this week to get some plants in the ground before the predicted rains arrive again the end of this week, but at least I did manage to get my potatoes and onions planted before these last rain storms moved thru our area. It'll be interesting to see how well those German Butterball potatoes turn out, because they're considered a highly sought-after variety which are in the 'gourmet' status. I was also alerted that they take longer to mature, but I'll be more that patient.
The garlic I planted last Fall is doing exceptionally well thus far, and since I held back enough to plant from last year's crop, and then having ordered two other varieties, there's no doubt that if they continue to do as well as they have been, I'll have fresh organic garlic coming out of my ears. Not to worry because I know enough people who'll freely and willing take whatever surplus I have. Oh if my mother were only still alive to see those beautiful rows of garlic. Yes, she'd be giving me a good 'well done' pat on my back.
One of my colleagues stopped by late this afternoon while I was running thru the hymns I have to play over at St. Paul Lutheran this coming Sunday. I couldn't help saying, “I hope you don't think I spend my entire day at this piano.” I had to laugh when he came back with a “Well, at least you're not bellied-up to a bar drinking yourself silly.” Of course I had the show him my very thick folder of 'learned' music which I didn't realize existed until I began playing for other denominations, which in reality, has forced me to expand my horizons. Oh, and I also had to add, “Some hone their mental skills with crossword puzzles and online quizzes, but learning more music is not only helping me, but also something I can freely share with our general public.” Now honestly, isn't it better to share one's talents with others rather than keeping them hidden under a basket?
Tonight's One-liner is: I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I'm convinced that basically, dogs think humans are nuts.