At The Crossroads of Career Change: The Essential First Step of Self-Reflection
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At The Crossroads of Career Change: The Essential First Step of Self-Reflection

At The Crossroads of Career Change: The Essential First Step of Self-Reflection

Change, in relation to careers, is something the vast majority of professionals will experience at some time or another, through to retirement and beyond.?

Changes wrought over the past few years and especially since the global pandemic, have forced significant shifts and transformations in the world of work. Today in so many industries professionals are questioning their roles, their passions, and their purpose in the grand scheme of things.?

With a background in training, education, and coaching, I spend a lot of time in conversation with teachers from all over the education and training sectors. The most recent trend coming out of many of those conversations focuses on the immediate challenges of finding oneself standing at a very perplexing career crossroads:

“I’m trying to determine if a new career path, inside or outside of education, is right for me.”?
“I just feel so trapped in a dilemma - stay with my familiar and unhappy or move into the uncertainty of something completely different.”

I have found that many times as soon as the urge to change becomes a reality, the race to the classifieds and job searching begins. Resumes are written, job descriptions appraised, and applications sent out to a zillion employers. This is of course swiftly followed by disappointment, which is accompanied by a sense of ‘failure’, of not being good enough. Finally, surrender comes. The job search slows down and for a while the ‘familiar and unhappy’ become bearable once again!

I have, at times, taken this route only to find myself out of the frying pan and into the very hot fire. Here’s the thing though, whatever change you make, you have to take yourself with you. There is a Japanese expression, used in Buddhism of ‘esho funi’. In simple terms it refers to the body and the shadow being one and inseparable. They are two things, but you can’t separate them. Applied to our everyday situation it refers to the person and the environment being one – like the body and shadow. One influences the other! It made perfect sense to me and it also, for the first time, gave me a lot of control over the career decisions I was making. Simply put before I make a job move – first deal with myself. Find out why I’m unhappy in my current environment and deal with that. It is amazing how much insight one gains when you dig deep and reflect on yourself before leaping into something new. The concept of self-reflection or self-efficacy has now become an all important and recurring theme in my client conversations. Career transition is a transformative experience and its success often hinges on the groundwork that is completed beforehand. In understanding ourselves better, we facilitate a smoother transition into a new role or career and set the stage for longer-term satisfaction and professional growth.

Sometimes the desire for make a career shift is triggered by a kind of disconnect with personal fulfilment, alignment and/or purpose. It’s not necessarily a dislike for the work itself.?In order to be successful in your career move, it’s crucial to understand the ‘why’ behind this desire. Why are you craving change? Why do you feel burnt out or disillusioned? Only by getting to the bottom of these questions can you make a properly considered, and confident decision about finding a career path that totally aligns with who you are.

Some say too much inward looking is bad thing. While one can agree to some extent, that yes, it is possible to fall into over-thinking and then grind to a halt as you hit a procrastination wall. However, it is my belief that the importance of introspection in relation to career change, which is high stakes for many, cannot be understated.?

An in-depth understanding of oneself is perhaps a cornerstone of a satisfying career, not just in the context of a career change, but also for one’s own continuing professional development. We need to explore our aspirations, interests, and motivations. This self-awareness can illuminate the underlying causes of burnout or dissatisfaction, and will often provide us with valuable insights that guide our career decision-making and ultimately increase overall job satisfaction.

This process, however, isn't a walk in the park; it requires time, patience, and honesty with oneself, but it’s an inner journey that’s definitely worth it. Throughout you’ll get a clearer vision of what you want in a career. You’ll clear away debris from the negativity you’ve been experiencing; you’ll gain confidence in what you are capable of and a greater knowledge of your true potential. As the fog clears you’ll be sure of your core values, strengths, and the direction you want to move in. After all you want to find a career that brings with it a sense of deep fulfilment and purpose.

So, if you find yourself at a career crossroads first, remember that the protagonist on this journey is you! Pause before rushing into any major decisions. Take the time to look within, explore your emotions, your desires, and your aspirations. Unravel your ‘why’. Gain the clarity that emerges and could be key to unlocking an incredible new career.?

Your career is more than just a job - it's an expression of who you are. Make sure it's a reflection of the real, authentic you.

#CareerChange #SelfReflection #CareerSatisfaction #Education #PersonalDevelopment #teachersatacrossroads


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