Crossfire War=Rapid Fire News-Eurasia Theatre: Russia President Putin Misleads Iran President
Ekaterininsky Hall-Kremlin: This report from RIA of Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi in Moscow further confirms my suspicion that the Ukraine crisis is nothing more than a smokescreen to disguise and cover for the combined military operations the West has been planning with Russia against Iran's underground nuclear bunkers and ballistic missile bases.
Russia-Ukraine are crossroads of energy pipelines as are the Caucasus-Central Asia. Industrial concerns are the main purchaser of the resources and under no circumstances were the West-Russia ever going to attack each other and disrupt their massive economic relations. But it would be beneficial to fool and mislead a very real threat-Iran's military. As did the 2015 Geneva agreement a diplomatic show.
But November 2015 the large diplomatic gathering in Paris heads of state-Prime Ministers-Foreign Ministers. At the rear of the gathering was the head of Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. France had him placed there so Iran's leadership would not see him. It has been Moscow's role to maintain close contact with in order to provide Allied Air Forces with precise target information.
Any sanctions announced against Russia will be nothing more than misleading publicity.