Crossfire War=Rapid Fire News-Central Europe Theatre: German Companies Continue to Supply Russia Military

Berlin: According to this latest report from B92 the European Union is fully aware German companies are continuing to supply Russia with what is classified as "dual use goods". Materials that can be used by both the military and civilians. 673 licenses from German companies. This further confirms what I have been writing all along, under no circumstances will industrial concerns in the West and the governments they control, allow corruption in or around Ukraine to disrupt the massive economic connections between Russia (crossroads of energy pipelines) and Western industry.

If there is any shooting it will only target areas of the Ukraine the current government in Kiev has no real control over. This past week Ukraine's President was in Washington meeting with President Joe Biden and I suspect they have a schedule worked out that will result in Kiev having a more reliable administration. Years ago the news would regularly show brawls in Kiev's Parliament and a former President had a palace built.

But in the meantime the units Washington has placed in Poland-Germany-Romania are intended for action in Southeast Europe, the former Yugoslavia. Last month the Pentagon had to establish a forward headquarters in Albania because they expect fighting there to erupt again and more seriously than ever before. The last time was January 2001 in Macedonia caused by Albanian nationalists. Just before it erupted Reuters reported Turkey-Iran were comparing intelligence information but would not say about where.

This was just two years after Serbia was attacked for 78 days by an air offensive in 1999 that was supported by most NATO and European Union governments. War began in the former Yugoslavia in 1991 when Croatia declared its independence and with its crooked-twisted boundary cut off Serbia and Bosnia from the Adriatic Sea forcing both of them into war. Berlin led the recognition of Croatia before the year ended followed by most NATO-EU governments and the U.S. in 1992.

Europe's historical hatred of the Balkans was still very much part of the European identity as news from Europe began to sound like the 19th century. But in 2006 Greece-Iran signed security agreements with Serbia and in 2017 the Turkish news service Hurriyet Daily News reported the meeting in Ankara between the Army Chiefs of Staff of Turkey-Iran. Athens-Ankara realized these offensives against Serbia were being directed at the entire Balkan region.

I will not be surprised if Turkey-Greece officially announce escorting Iran's entry into this regional theatre for 78 days. Iran will use the war as an opportunity to silence Vienna the base of the United Nations International Energy Agency (IAEA) that has been attempting to inspect Iran's underground uranium enrichment to weapons grade levels. Just a small part of the assistance Teheran has been receiving from China's Central Government which has enabled Iran to conduct successful satellite tests since 2005 and more recently. Any government that can launch a satellite can launch a ballistic missile 6,000 miles.

Beijing realized Iran had potential-potential to cause major damage against one of China's historical enemies.


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