Cross Training
James Arthur and Bersabeh Ray
James - Minister | New York Time Best-Selling Author | Inc. 500 Inductee | Bersabeh - Intuitive Healer | Designer | Producer at Harmonic Wealth Global | PMO Director
Triple Espresso:
Cross-Training is vital to success in today's disruptive world.
Yes, I'm certainly talking about physical cross-training, but WAY beyond that as well.
Let me just address physical real quickly, because that's a PART of what I'm discussing here.
As a former competitive bodybuilder (a LONG time ago) I got really good, and really big, at static movements and reps. But what I (and a LOT of other bodybuilders currently) didn't care about was FUNCTION and FLEXIBILITY.
Bodybuilding is a vanity sport and "if you can't see it, it's not important."
Uh, hardly.
Physiology and functionality are vital to Leadership in the new and rapidly expanding world.
But the BIGGER issue on cross-training that needs to be addressed is the mental, emotional and spiritual cross-training issues.
The leader of the future MUST be well-versed in Physiology, Philosophy, Psychology, Biology, Astronomy, Sociology, Neurosciences, Quantum Physics, and Spirituality for starters.?
In addition to good business practices.
That is IF they're committed to masterful leadership.
Because ANYTHING less is only a partial picture of what the world is; and how it synergistically works. Period!
The leader of the future is a Renaissance man or woman in their STUDIES. NOT to say they're masterful in ALL categories, but they have a working knowledge in all.
I know that this might seem to contradict my "One Thing" concept of mastery if you follow my teachings. But please don't be confused.
The cross-training you do here is ONLY applicable to understanding the RELATIONSHIP (keyword) between how all these fundamental aspects of this universe work together to support you in the accomplishment of your One Thing.
I realize now, that this is a very complicated topic for a quick morning TE, but hopefully, it gives you a jolt to think about and act upon.
ALL my clients get schooled in the "5 Dimensions of Leadership and Ultimate Performance" which contain ALL of the above categories and more.
For a comprehensive and integrated approach is POWER.
All else is insufficient.
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