Cross River Open benefiting OurPlace
Dear Linkedin friends,
It is almost here!!! In less than 2 weeks I will be playing in the Second Annual Cross River Open - the Jewish community's premier tennis event.
The Cross River Open will be an opportunity to combine my passion for tennis with the opportunity to benefit the incredible work of OurPlace. As I continue to prepare for this day-long competition, I humbly ask that you partner with me and sponsor my participation in this year's inaugural event; (you can also drop a nice note :).
OurPlace comprises our community's largest network of drop-in centers for at-risk Jewish youth struggling with drug & alcohol addiction, past trauma & sexual abuse and criminal behavior. On an annual basis, the Our Place drop-in centers service over 1000 Jewish youth in the New York area, serving 25,000 hot meals, placing several hundred in rehab & therapy, and enabling over one hundred to re-enroll in school or seek positive employment each year. With an unadulterated model of unconditional love and no religious agenda, Our Place's devoted therapeutic and programmatic staff are available around the clock 24/7 to hundreds of young people in our community each year who otherwise would have nowhere else to turn. Together, we can be partners in fighting against overdose and suicide - together, we can save lives!
With tremendous appreciation for your consideration and generous support,
Meir Silberberg