Cross Generational Leadership: Do You Have What It Takes?

Cross Generational Leadership: Do You Have What It Takes?

Let me ask you; have you been a "dictatorial, command and control leader"?

You know the kind I'm talking about, the kind of boss who says; "I don't care what you think, I'm the boss so just do as I say"

Maybe you are not that kind of a leader, and even if you aren't, there's a good chance you've worked for at least one of them, right? The kind of boss who see there employees as nothing more than pawns in their own grandiose game. And for whatever your reasons were, you put up with it.

Well in the words of Bob Dylan; "times they are a changing" and here's why:

Do you presently work with Millennials? (If not, you soon will...I'll explain in a little while) If you do presently work with Millennials you've probably noticed that they don't respond to well to the command and control style of leadership. To get straight to the point: When it comes to working with a command and control leader millennial's just won't put up with it.

To keep your Millennial talent will require a heck of a lot more transparency than any of us would have ever be used too.

Transparent Leadership means going Full Monty, not covering up or distancing, and this is particularly important when you are dealing with Millennials. As stated, they do not respond well (that’s an understatement) to dictatorial, control and command leadership.

Millennials are purpose and community driven. They love to collaborate and they are always looking for a better way, and they don’t believe they have to wait. And as we’ve been discussing, they deeply value transparency.

However, you better know this about Millennials; they have "Fakedar!" They can spot a person who is trying to hide something, or who isn’t what they claim to be in less time than it takes you to tweet about how authentic you are.

Unless a leader exhibits the characteristics previous stated and others (not gone into here) that Millennials respect, they won’t listen to a word he or she says. Sure they may nod with a forced smile, but I promise you this–they are already looking to take their talent somewhere else.

So, forgive me for making this next bit up, but I am going to assume that you as the reader are a Boomer boss, (or at least a Gen X'er), and so the question becomes: “Why would millennials listen to you... your a Boomer?”

I got asked the very same question very recently, and I’ll tell you why they do listen to me. I listen to them! (Something to few boomer leaders have been willing to do) You see I really get them.

Here's something interesting; even though I grew up within the Boomer system and its rules (even if I haven’t followed them!), the typical Millennial wants the same characteristics in a leader that I personally value. Especially transparency–that’s a value on which I have based my life.

As a result when someone asks why should people listen to me the simple answer is because I know actually know where Boomers are coming from, but I also totally get how Millennials think and what psychologically drives them. It’s because of that that I can be a natural interpreter for both sides.

Consider this; we categorize the Millennial generation as those born between 1982 and 2004, and although that is correct from a time line point of view, there is a psychological factor to being Millennial that is rather than generational, is psychological. What I mean by that is that you and I can be born into the generation of being Boomers or Gen X'ers, but at the same time have the psychological/attitudinal approach to work and career that actually belongs more in the category of Millennial.

In today’s fast-paced world, Millennials are coming into the workforce even faster than the 10,000 Boomers are leaving it every day. Because of that, it is vital that in organizations where there is a generational succession plan that you have a person who speaks both languages if you want that transition to be a lot easier.

Look, you and I both know, the simple fact is that a transition plan can’t work if the two sides cannot understand each other.

So now if you ask me why Millennials should listen to me, I’d say it’s for the same reason that it’s an especially good idea for Boomers to listen: I know both sides and I can be the go-between. I can help leaders of all ages improve their lines of communication, become more transparent and most of all, learn how to be the kind of leader the world needs right now—no matter if they are Boomers or Millennials.

Key Leadership Questions:

  • Do you actually know how to cross generationally communicate? 
  • If so, are you doing so effectively? 
  • If not what are you doing about it? 

Because your time is running!

I trust that you found this article valuable, if so, feel free to send this to your friends. I eagerly anticipate your feedback and comments.

I created the Authentic Leadership Matrix after a lot of experience and research. One of the questions I'm asked often is what authentic leadership is and how do we define it. As a result, I created the matrix. It splits what leadership is into five separate categories. So, that you can take a clear look at how you perform in each of the five main areas that are required for you to become a world class authentic leader. The process takes you through each category simply with yes or no questions.

With gratitude, D?v Baron

I also write for

“In 2015, Dov Baron was cited by Inc Magazine as one of the Top 100 Leadership Speaker to book for your next conference! He speaks internationally and is The Leading Authority on Next-Gen Authentic Leadership and creating a Culture of Fiercely Loyal Leaders.

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P.S. To get your hands on Dov Baron’s new book “Fiercely Loyal” How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain Top Talent, go take a look here and get your FREE: How to instantly bond any team infographic”

To contact: Dov Baron International, and Authentic Paragon Alliance INC. Contact Authentic Paragon Alliance at +1 778 397 7717


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