Cross Border Bytes – Issue 3

Cross Border Bytes – Issue 3

Why remote options are a strategic advantage when hiring international developers + proven strategies for remote tech hiring.

Community data: For developers, better work/life balance and remote options might be worth taking a lower offer

Source: did a survey asking developers whether and why they'd ever accepted a job offer with lower total compensation – most developers never had.

That said: The reasons portrayed in the graph above show once again just how important remote options are to developers when evaluating a new job opportunity.

For companies, this is yet another data-point supporting the insight that offering remote options makes you stand out in the developer hiring market.

This is unsurprising, as our own data report shows that the majority of developers want to stay remote and 52% of developers say they'd leave their job if asked to return to the office.

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Community insights: Proven strategies from CTOs for remote tech hiring and onboarding

Many international tech teams are facing reduced hiring budgets and a tougher investment landscape. One way to do more with less is to look beyond your country’s limits and hire developers remotely.

We talked to ???? Jack Godau ?? , CDO of doctorly and Martin Hignett , CTO of ITONICS - The Innovation OS about key benefits and tested strategies.

Here is a short overview of some of their core strategies:

Decide on your remote team structure: Regional vs cross-regional

Regional teams, for example, make sense for companies with international clients they'd like to service 24/7.

Cross-regional teams, for example, make sense for companies that want to easily gain experience working with and for different cultures.

Be intentional about your onboarding and team building

Once you’ve hired your new team members, a great onboarding experience is essential to make remote new joiners feel welcome and capable of contributing to the team. In a remote environment, going the extra mile and being deliberate when it comes to forging connections between team members is crucial.

  • Hold cultural workshops to make sure your team members of different backgrounds and nationalities have a good understanding of each other’s ways of working and the company culture.
  • Set an example of good work-life balance for your team: Encourage healthy work-life boundaries for your team by being offline outside of working hours within your region.
  • Have regular check-ins and create deliberate ways to connect: Developers in both Europe and South Africa have indicated that a lack of day-to-day interactions is their top remote struggle. To counter this, make time to regularly check in with your team members outside of work matters. Consider holding team-building events that are remote-friendly: for example, Jack’s team play online games together or just gather to have a chat.

For more insights from the conversation, read the full write-up:

Want to tap into the South African dev talent pool? On OfferZen, 200+ new developers from South Africa and beyond go live every week. Get access here.



