The CRM Series: Implementation
Kamaar DeJarnette, MBA
COO at Engine Systems/ Founding Partner at Engine Systems/ Admissions Guru
Last week, our CRM Series focused on “The Unboxing” of your CRM software. We discussed the importance of building a strategy for choosing the proper CRM software and customizing the system to meet the needs of your organization. So, what’s the next step to properly integrate a CRM system to your organization? This week we’re talking all about the implementation process.
Preparing for Implementation
Implementing your new CRM system can be a tricky process, and for that reason it is important you take proper measures to prepare. 30% to 60% of CRM projects fail because of lack of engagement by employees and executives. To prevent this from happening, make sure the leaders and managers of your organization are involved in the implementation process. If they articulate how the program can help them excel, and encourage employees to utilize the CRM to its maximum extent, then the process of implementing the software will run smoother. In addition to having executives be champions of the CRM software, hiring a project manager to oversee the implementation of your CRM can help ensure that someone is dedicated solely to the successful integration and use of the CRM system.
The Management Strategy
When implementing your new CRM system, remember that it’s a process and won’t happen overnight. It is essential to communicate upcoming changes to the staff, give them training on the new program, and allow an appropriate amount of time to adjust. Allow your staff to provide input and feedback on the system so they can be involved in the process, and make sure the roll out of the new system is anticipated by your entire organization. Once you have introduced the program, hired a project manager, allowed input and feedback, and provided a manageable roll out date, the final step to implementation is defining CRM goals and KPIs. What do you hope to achieve through the CRM software? Are those goals measurable? How will it benefit both your organization and your customers? Having a mission behind the CRM system will help when it’s time to integrate the software into your everyday business plan.
Engine’s Role
No matter what stage of the CRM implantation process you may be in, Engine can help you see it through the best possible outcomes. We can help you identify and achieve targeted goals through your CRM, and set you up with the means to reach and sustain them. Whether that’s training employees, designating a project manager, or helping you find and hire a new one, Engine’s past experience and expertise is here to serve you and your company. Send us a message or make a call to learn more about how our CRM Toolkit can help your business thrive.