Criticism on social media How to deal with all this criticism? How is it filtered?
Who criticizes you?
Criticism is making a reasoned judgment on someone or something. People who criticize you fall into the following three categories:
The constructing category: consists of fans, with a developed mental structure, who know and have knowledge, who want to learn and learn more. They may or may not share your point of view, but they will give you something. This category is an invaluable source of opinions and ideas, the most valuable thing you find around you that take part in your advancement and progress in your projects.
The malicious category: includes people who come in the form of a troll, a spammer, or a vile extremist. These people can also be those who failed, did not have the courage to persevere, or those who do nothing and produce nothing. Seeing you progress makes them less selfish and leads them to criticize or destroy you.
Neutral category: People who are looking for knowledge or entertainment. They arrive at the place, learn and put "Like" or "Dislike" or "Submit" or "Shares" or "Download" and then leave.
Useful criticism and unhelpful criticism
There are two types of posts one can make to people on social media. Both are made of text, images or videos. Those that tickle the senses, and those that incite contemplation and thinking. The first, means entertainment publishing, where traffic, is the strongest, and often destructive criticism does not prevail.
When you publish in the media, you have to expect criticism, it is inevitable! Often there are people who are not satisfied, as if it were a law of nature.
Nobody likes destructive criticism. But everyone will accept constructive criticism, including negative criticism. Negative criticism is positive criticism with a difference of opinion or a critical idea. Constructive criticism, negative or positive, is what will help you move from good to better, it is the best and most valuable thing that a listener or reader can offer you!
Constructive criticism is constructive, always communicating on the basis of dialogue and discussion, logical, useful, calm and sane, while destructive criticism is nourished by selfishness and hatred. If it does, only a noisy debate will arise.
Who are these critics? In what form do they appear on the platform?
A critic often forgets that his criticism is worthless when he does not offer an informed, constructive opinion. In this case, very quickly, without wasting a second, it is rejected and directed to the trash. The subversive critic does not change anything in the opinion of the author publishing the idea, and does not add anything to the picture, except to reveal his truth, which is certainly not the correct, desirable way to search for fame or prestige.
A troublemaker, or troll is an online bully who intentionally attempts to offend, provoke conflict, hostility or argument. He will also try to cause trouble or directly attack people by posting derogatory comments on social media.
How do I deal with all this criticism? And how is it filtered?
There are two types of criticism. The builder and the destroyer.
Constructive criticism is negative or positive, and both are bearers of interest, and therefore it is very important to answer them carefully, discuss them, and thank their makers.
Negative criticism expresses a different opinion. Its importance is critical when it is useful and carries evidence. It is an added advantage when it is phrased politely and kindly. Constructive criticism is beneficial, and is a valuable way to develop an idea or project.
Destructive criticism a waste time, must be stopped and destroyed. Depending on its extent, it is possible to respond to it, to give only one last chance to its controversial troll, but it is a rare case to consider.
When offensive comments turn into violent, insulting or threatening comments or language, they should be removed immediately. If it appears again or is repeated, block the author's name of the comment. Depending on the scale of the situation, do not rule out a case of denunciation of the responsible, where acting as if it were a comment that violates the netiquette, i.e. the platform's Internet rules.
Note: Always take a "screenshot" of a comment before deleting it.
Oftentimes, another troll hides behind a troll. Then the effect of the "fly's nest" occurs, a kind of support armed force that must be destroyed as quickly as possible.
As for spam, delete it or act like an insulting comment.
- Abdurrazzak Ajaja
August 2022