Criticism: How to handle and manage?

Criticism: How to handle and manage Criticism?

Is criticism good or bad?

How can we handle Criticism if somebody criticize us?

How can it affect the relationship and productivity?

How can we manage criticism for the best interests of ourselves and others?

What have we learnt from leaders, authors about handling and managing the criticism?

How the criticism can be effective and productive, the situations in which both parties can benefit from the criticism.

In general, the criticism is bad. It can have negative impact on the people who are criticized. We should look at the positive qualities of other people and build the people up based upon their strengths rather than pulling people down based upon their weaknesses.

How to handle or manage the criticism. The lessons we learnt from the leaders, authors.

1. Ruth Bader Ginsburg: "It helps to sometimes be a little deaf" : a great piece of advice from Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an associate Justice of Supreme Court of United States. It helped her to have a great marriage life for 56 years and it also helped her to have good relations with her colleagues. It means if somebody says the bad or harsh words, we just learn to ignore it. It will help us to save and nurture our relationships.

2. President Harry S. Truman said if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

It means we need to learn and handle the criticism properly. If we need to change and improve, we should not be upset with the criticism. We can benefit and the entire team can benefit because we will search and find where we need to change and improve. We will get better.

3. Do not Sweat the small stuff, Richard Carlson. Sometimes people are having bad day. Unintentionally, they may may something undesirable. We can not take it so seriously. We have to let it go. Things will come back to normal. If we reacted negatively to somebody's bad words or bad behavior, we may accentuate the problem.

4. Seven habits of highly effective people, Stephen Covey. If we listen, we may be changed.

Sometimes, we need to change and improve. If somebody is giving the right advise, we must listen and find out what we learnt and where we need to change. We may change for the better for life. It can have positive impact on us forever. We will improve our lives and the lives of people around us by taking the right advise and implementing the right suggestions and the ideas given by others. We will be playing the leadership role, because when we change the other people will change as well.

5. Be the change you want to be, Mahatma Gandhi. Sometimes, we try to change others without changing ourselves. If that is the case, people will not listen and we can not make the positive impact on peoples lives. We have to make sure that we are setting the right example for others. It means if we are doing the right thing everyday, people will observe, listen and change. We have to have patience. Sometimes, it takes longer to help people understand our point of view, especially if we are handling the family members.

6. There are 2 ways to handle the situations and the circumstances. Either we can react negatively or we can respond positively by Zig Ziglar. Many times we have no control on other people behavior or situations or circumstances. It is not what happens to us, it is how we respond will determine our results and productivity.

7. Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another by Napolean Hill. If the child or any person does not known how to handle and manage the criticism, it can have the damaging impact on that person. Keeping this in mind we should criticize very selectively and effectively. First we need to talk about their right and positive quality or behavior, then we can talk about the area of improvement and then we can encourage them to overcome the challenges by using their strengths. Right words and the proper tone is also important when we want to bring the positive change in the lives of other people. Words once spoken can not come back, that is the reason we have to be very careful what we say and how we say, because spoken words can have either positive or negative impact on our short term and long term relationships.

8. "People who feel good about themselves produce good results." by Ken Blanchard. Make people feel good about themselves. By doing so, we will have good relations with the people and they will be open to listen to us. We can remind them about their goals and the area of improvements and how can they achieve the results by using their qualities and strengths.

9. "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou. Make people feel important. it will increase productivity, people will achieve their goals and we will build positive and right relations with people. It is a win win situation. In relationship, the small things are big things and the big things are small things. Small hinges can swing big doors. Small acts of kindness can have big positive impact on peoples lives. If we have a choice between the criticism or appreciation, it is better to use the appreciation rather than criticism.

10. Most of the problems arise because of miscommunication and misunderstanding. People may good intentions, still criticism can spoil the relationship. That is the reason, try to use appreciation rather than criticism. Avoid arguments. Improper criticism can impact people for days, weeks, months or sometimes for years. on the receiving end, we should let it go and not to dwell on it and do not take it to your heart.

11. Some people will criticize you no matter what you do and how good you do. Do not try to please them because it will be futile. No matter what you do they will never be happy because they are perfectionist or whatever the reason may be.

Summary and conclusion:

You are criticized, see if there is any valuable lesson in this. You may be getting free advise or valuable lesson. Listen, learn, embrace, improve and change. If the criticism is useless and meaningless, just ignore it and let it go, tomorrow is another day, start fresh with open mind. Do not dwell on the criticism you received yesterday.

Take the following 3 steps. 1. Remember the past mistake, do not let the criticism impact your productivity and behavior 2. Focus on your goals, potential, strengths and future results. 3. Keep quiet and let the storm pass by because relationship, peace of mind and achievements of goals are more important than meaningless and endless arguments.


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