Critical Thinking Explains Scrum Values
It is obviously clear that all Agile projects have different unique environments which makes projects more interesting or challenging as the case may be. The end result of playing soccer is to score goals and ultimately win and the same applies to Agile projects.
Expectations and targets for are usually set by the shareholders (though in Agile we saying #NoEstimates) and Product Owners in return set priorities which the Scrum team has to deliver at the end of the Sprint however the ScrumMaster has the role of a "Team Captain" at making sure every impediments are identified and removed accordingly.
Top of the Scrum values?is Courage. One would wonder the kind of quality product the development team can ship out after the end of each iteration with good support for the team to develop a product can can add value to both the customers and stakeholders.
Obviously, courageous battalion delivers an unrecoverable blows to their enemies and in the Agile case the development team delivers an excellent system once they are encouraged. The fear of loosing or not meeting a target or estimates as defined by the management puts the Dev team in a tight spot psychologically which equals to low performance regards delivering each Sprint.
Focus comes up on the Scrum Values list which basically requires each individual member of the?team to focus on the Sprint goal. Please note that the Sprint goal is determined at the Sprint Planning. Once an individual member of the team is focused on the goal and other members also work smart and in a self-organized manner to achieve the same goal. Sprint goals would definitely be met and of course increasing the stakeholder's ROI.
Commitment being the third Scrum Values that I would talk about is very essential for any team to deliver and this has nothing to do with language barriers or geographical boundaries and sometimes war, they all have to be committed. No F1 racing driver wins a race without a great commitment of daily routine workouts (Stand-Ups) where he would also receive "feedback" as to how he's routine workouts (Code Feedback) is improving as reviewed by the coach(Product Owner/Users).?
Respect is pivotal to any team's delivery, respect from the Dev team members, Scrum Masters and the Product Owner and more so respect from the stakeholders. Employees tend to have a better way with regards to delivery. One would expect that the Product Owner as well as the stakeholders would consider various options or suggestions from the team.?
A case study of Facebook's Hackathon sessions for example where software engineers are encouraged to take 8 hours out of their time at work and come up with ideas and products. It is important to know that during the Hackathon sessions, whatever the teams or person comes up with is acknowledged and respected even though some of this ideas never make it to line light.
The last of the Scrum Values is openness.?Anyone within the team should be open to everyone with regards to their work. What is a team without team members being open to each other. In the traditional Waterfall process, the testing teams consider the developers as deliberately not sharing enough details about what has been developed. Agile is saying forget the processes, let's have a open team where information flows freely to the team and have no team member with a "I'am a goody two shoes" attitude on the team.
With openness, the whole team Get to work on delivering the Sprint goal for that particular sprint which helps to create value and sometimes speed!
Unchallengeably, Challenging the status quo should be introduced to part of the Scrum Values. The Status Quo already has different procedures and school of thoughts. This therefore stand in the way of proper agility. It is important to note that scrum is not against governance in organizations but Scrum says let us focus on the people instead of the process.