The Critical Role of Cyber Risk Monitoring Software for Brokers

The Critical Role of Cyber Risk Monitoring Software for Brokers

Empowering Brokers with Cyber Risk Monitoring:

In our world which is heavily reliant on technology, cyber insurance plays a critical role in protecting businesses and consumers against cyber threats. Insurance brokers face the complex task of crafting accurate and tailored cyber insurance quotes in a market that is continuously evolving, with new threats and vulnerabilities emerging daily. To navigate this challenge, cyber risk monitoring software is a pivotal tool that every cyber insurance broker should have in their toolkit.

Understanding and Navigating Risks For Your Clients

Cyber threats, which include data breaches, ransomware, phishing, and business compromises, are continuously evolving. Insureds often have a limited understanding of these threats and their overall risk exposure. Explaining and simplifying cyber risk is a challenging task, and for many policyholders, it can be a confusing and uncertain area.

This is precisely where the power of cyber risk monitoring becomes evident. How can a broker provide a precise, bespoke quote without a clear picture of their client's cyber risk posture? How can insureds grasp the significance of the coverage if they are unaware of their vulnerability?

Cyber risk monitoring is the key to thoroughly analysing and assessing cyber defences, thereby enabling the broker to quote accurately on suitable coverage and risks.

How Does It Work?

Our tool, Breach Check, has been designed with brokers in mind, with an ergonomic and user-friendly interface. All a broker needs to do is enter a business domain, and our tool will analyse the business's internet-facing assets to identify potential threats and network vulnerabilities. Once the scan is complete, they will receive a PDF report that highlights output and insights.

Increase Engagement, Drive New Cyber Insurance Business

What is the most effective sales strategy? Show customers precisely why they need your product.

With our Breach Check reports, brokers can enhance their sales efficiency and refine their quoting and consultation precision.

These reports aid in prospecting, allowing brokers to conduct scans on potential risks to identify those businesses in dire need of insurance products.

Once a prospective policyholder is pinpointed, brokers are empowered to illustrate the specific risks they face, underscoring the necessity for coverage.

In the cyber world, many businesses remain unaware of their risks until it's too late. Unlike more tangible insurance products like health or car insurance, the awareness of cyber risk isn't as inherently apparent to the policyholder.

Our reports do more than just identify issues; they refine your sales approach, enhance quote accuracy, and engage your prospects and insureds with invaluable insights that could shield their business from cyber-attacks.

Ongoing Portfolio Management

Beyond driving sales, our reports are instrumental in monitoring your existing book of policyholders for cyber risks.

Breach Check facilitates ongoing scans across a portfolio, with customisable hack alerts for immediate notification of any threats.

This tool not only mitigates risk within an insured portfolio but also aids in improving loss ratios, increasing customer engagement, and enhancing retention rates.

Discover how our partner BOXX Insurance Inc. use Breach Check to protect their book of clients from cybercrime.

Stand Out with Deep, Valuable Insights

Let Breach Check be the cyber expertise that elevates your insurance game. Experience our software's substantial benefits, just as our current clients have.

To sample the insights Breach Check can provide, visit our free online tool to conduct a cyber security scan on any business worldwide: Company Security Scan

For more details or an overview of our software and bespoke solutions for brokers, please contact our team: Contact Us



