The Critical Error of Cutting CX and UX Investment During an Economic Downturn
Sand Dollar Design
A digitally-focused, design-lead global consulting firm that creates world-class experiences for our clients.
As we find ourselves in the midst of a challenging economic climate, many companies are making drastic cost-cutting measures to assist with short- and long-term survival. In the quest to optimize budgets, some organizations are making the grave mistake of reducing their investment in customer experience (CX) and user experience (UX) efforts. However, history has shown that companies that maintain or even increase their focus on CX and UX during downturns are more likely to emerge stronger and better prepared for the future (see sources and further reading on this below*).
So, why is cutting back on CX and UX investment a mistake? Let's dive deeper into three compelling reasons.
History has shown that companies that maintain or even increase their focus on CX and UX during downturns are more likely to emerge stronger and better prepared for the future.
Now is not the time to compromise on the experiences you provide to your customers. Cutting back on CX and UX investments during an economic downturn is a short-sighted decision that could have lasting repercussions on your business's future success. In fact, investing in a robust user-centered approach
?Get in touch with Sand Dollar Design now to learn how you can thrive in the current economic climate and emerge stronger than ever. Our team of experts can help you strategically plan your IT spend and optimize your return on investment even during these challenging times.
?*Sources / further reading:
HBR (Harvard Business Review) - Roaring Out of Recession (2000):
In this research conducted by Gulati, Nohria, and Wohlgezogen, the authors analyzed 4,700 public companies across three recession periods (1980-1982, 1990-1991, and 2000-2002). They found that companies that focused on operational efficiency and maintained or increased their investment in customer-centric activities were more likely to outperform their competitors after the recession.
Forbes - Customer Experience: The Best Way To Fight A Recession (2008):
In this Forbes article, the author cites several examples of companies that were able to weather the 2008 recession by maintaining or increasing their focus on customer experience. These companies not only survived but thrived during the economic downturn.
Gartner - How to Prioritize Customer Experience During Economic Downturns (2020):
In this Gartner report, the authors discuss how companies that prioritize customer experience during economic downturns can gain a competitive advantage. The report highlights the importance of maintaining or increasing CX and UX investments to build customer
The Business Value of Design Thinking (IBM) 2018** ( highlights the significant impact that design thinking can have on businesses, emphasizing its role in fostering innovation and driving financial growth. By implementing design thinking, organizations can create more user-centric products and services, ultimately leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and increased revenue.
This article was originally published on the Sand Dollar Design Insights Blog.