In Crisis, Unity comes before money and materials
The greatest enemy in the fight against CV-19 may well be lack of unity, and not lack of funds, materials or ideas. Unity, peace and love are common threads of many religions and philosophies, and the motto on many insignia, flags and banners.
As it's beginning to emerge during this pandemic, countries which stand together are making the fastest progress. China is the poster child here, of great progress when the people move in the same direction. It is tempting to discount China's success in containing the virus because of rumours of how they under-reported, or because of the PRC's totalitarian style. But that cannot be said of South Korea, of Germany, and even the UK. In these countries, policies and initiatives have witnessed less rancour, and therefore, more progress.
The other extreme, unfortunately but not unexpectedly, is the United States. Fanned by deepening cleavages in politics and racism, a supposedly 'United Army of America' has marched into this war waving different banners - conservative, liberal, white, black, fake news, and all. The result is evident - drums of war and angst thickening even as compatriots fall in the front lines, on the streets, and at home.
Nearer home, countries like Ghana and South Africa seem to be more cohesive in the fight against Covid-19 than Nigeria, whose historical fault lines of religion, ethnicity and corruption are tainting national efforts against the pandemic.
So what lessons? Obvious, I suppose: everybody loses when mutual distrust, hatred and resentment becloud existential threats. Obvious, but frightening when parties can't shield their swords to face the common enemy as one. What happened to "united we stand, divided we fall"? To "a 3-fold cord is not easily broken"? To, "two are better than one, because when one falls the other will pick him up"? Even in his is twilight days, King David knew he needed the companionship of maiden breasts to warm him as he approached the gates of his ancestors.
Perhaps this is a greater risk than the virus itself. The failure of united minds, of collective action. Cooperation is needed for ideas to emerge; for innovations to thrive; for money and materials to be optimized for the greatest impact.
But the lesson is not only for nations alone. Corporations and families stand the same risk of self-destructing if they fail to come together during a crisis of any type. No doubt, the emerging economic and social challenges will arouse considerable emotional toll on many individuals and organizations in the coming days and months. Angst, dislike, disagreement, and turf wars are likely to play out in the board rooms as in the bedrooms. Leading to sub-optimal decisions; leading to misaligned actions; and leading to failures and more catastrophes - if parties involved fail to unite in crisis. Leadership at the personal and group level is needed, and for such leaders we wait and pray.
What is playing out around you? Cooperation, Competition or Contestation?
Rainmaker, Sensemaker, Senseshifter, Wor(l)dPainter, Future Whisperer, Author, Speaker, Podcaster, Guide, JoyCatalyst, Creative Strategist,Visionary, Serial Creator
4 年I started to write an article yesterday with: In times of crisis the fool builds dams, and the wise build bridges. Nigerian Proverb... so fitting at this time....
Rainmaker, Sensemaker, Senseshifter, Wor(l)dPainter, Future Whisperer, Author, Speaker, Podcaster, Guide, JoyCatalyst, Creative Strategist,Visionary, Serial Creator
4 年Dear Emmanuel, I totally resonate with your insights. At the beginning of this decade I felt in my bones that co-operation and co-creation will be the theme of this decade, and I still do. In South Africa, like during the 2020 World Cup, I am feeling an underlying unity. You see it when you go to buy food. You see it in Social Media. no matter those reacting from fear. For me it is simple, choose love and possibility each day over fear and anxiety. And stand together. Through the centuries we saw incredible innovations at such times emerging. We call it Creative Tension in the Innovation world. The word emerging says it all for me, new life sprouting. For the seedling to emerge through the hard soil, it might feel like chaos, same during human birth. Yet we can use that tremendous power to give life to a new way of being, relating, thinking, feeling, creating, sharing, acting, and interacting. We can experience what is happening right now as an emergency, or as an emergence of something beautiful. And standing together, we can encourage, inspire, and support each other. This virus knows no boundaries, it does not care about our bank balance, our gender, race, education, position, vocation, way of divining, or where we live. It halted Humanity and gives us the opportunity to slow down and reflect on what kind of world we want to live in and contribute to. Thank you for this insightful article. We are looking forward to you joining us at our Creativity with Purpose - Creative Leadership Online Round Table on 21 April 2020, 11h00 WAT. Leaders now have to think differently and come together. Instead of leading in front or on a stage, we all need to lead from within and walk next to each other, empowering our people to begin to think for themselves and be responsible for their own choices. None of us alive has gone through this before, thus there are no experts.