Conceptional Reflexion

by J Michael Heynen | NOMOI INSTITUTE


After a long development, in the last fifty years mankind has reached a state in which it has essentially taken over the factual control over its home planet, the earth: The quantity and quality of human action and interaction are central causes of planetary life and survival. Man - never "lord of creation", now its most responsible part - became founder of his "own" age, the Anthropocene.

Human images and cultures were formed, the wheel and the printing press etc. were invented, ideas and religions, visions and utopias were created, often universally projected and just as often rejected. Man has born and destroyed, learned and unlearned, created and forfeited; he is the founder, bearer and potential destroyer of civilization, but in any case the leading shaper of his own and societal worlds, limited only by the immanence of freedom.

With entring into the Anthropocene presence – at the same time the “source code” of a future – mankind has left the late pubescent pilot phase of its existence and consciousness. So now it is up to man’s Self to ensure a future of creation and civilization on this planet with comprehensive responsibility. At the same time, this is the hour of birth of the finally comprehensively co-creative human being: It’s future existence is irrevocably directly and unprotectedly dependent on the human being’s Self and his civility development to realize and to accept the responsibility for the space and time of creation as such of free will.


And now having entered the “golden age” of free will and unhindered factual power – partly still limited by the alleged loss of paradise – mankind wakes up in regress and a fundamental crisis. The old world, especially being ruled by having, is increasingly vaporizing, and attempts to preserve mostly end in violence, usurpation and hysteria of loss. Fears of existence absorb crises-turning freedom potentials, a "last generation" is proclaimed, the fallibility of man is seemingly ?solved“ in transhumanistic doctrines of salvation to prevent the projected Armageddon. Even a martial rhetoric of so-called "Zeitenwende" cannot create any saving horizons - especially since it is justified with higher military budgets only.

It is nonetheless true: We have entered a ?Wendezeit“, a time of decision! And this decision is to be made out of "will and imagination" about the human future. Because the present decline is only the final phase of previous development, characterized by a one-sided concentration on the outside, the materiality of human existence, dominated by egomaniacal projections in the economization and mechanization of life and the exclusive establishment in the "substructure" (?Unterbau“) of human potential.

Despite the greatest achievements, especially in the last 200 years, people will probably only find their way out of this dead end of purely existential coping if they succeed in identifying the fundamental transformation potential of the crisis and initiating change processes. The central challenge will lie in the decision to “unlock” the humane once and for all. This achievement describes the development of a holistic equilibrium, in short: "To spiritualize life, to live spirit!" (according to Marc Jongen). Spirit without life remains theory and abstraction, but life without spirit freezes in nihilism and impoverishment. And precisely the latter describes the principle background dimension of today's crisis scenarios as a consequence of prolonged self-contempt and accepted immaturity. - Therefore, the decision for the universal capacity of the human being himself is now pending, in an equilibrium understood in this way, to unfold the endless creative power from the human for his future.


If a person decides in favor of a sustainable equilibrium, this can only happen without fear, prejudice and attachment, all the more in acceptance of the crisis as a result of self-incapacitation. Above all, in inner peace and contemplation, people become aware that the future is the least a linear extrapolation, especially facing the presence. The “breathing in” person realizes and understands his alienation through the diffusion of having and the purely external, he opens himself inwards, thus to the transition.

Transition here describes the hybridity of what is to be done in the future - still living in the a posteriori and yet recognizing the a priori - to dimensionally expand and supplement the phenomenality of being through the noumenality of consciousness, i.e. to start building the equilibrium - put differently: to control the conditioning of being consistently from the determination of consciousness. This process begins individually and increases in the systemic, in the societal.

No longer the empirical "objectivity" of highly subjective-egocentric existentiality, but the timeless, individual achievement of spiritually deducted objectification leads to the external societal correlation. No longer the normativity of the outside world through egomaniacal projection surfaces of theological-ideological attempts at salvation, but rather the normativity of individually intellectually deduced reason is the determining basis of societally correlating persuasion processes and coordinating implementation (governing).

So the equilibrium to be created is not too far away when people understand laboratory tests and pilot phases of great achievements as the basis of the innovative-creative change: We have life, but only spirit / mind creates the meaning of life. Then the ?Wendezeit“ can become a ?Zeitenwende“, i.e. to recognize, to accept the humane responsibility for the anthropocene age, to shape it proactively and to form a humane future from the determinants of mind.


When the human being has decided to start his metamorphosis and to neutralize prejudices, attachments, fears, the transition to the universal capacities of humane processes of future development opens: By and for thinking and feeling people, as a loving and authentic person from the "cogito ergo sum". The future will then no longer be a reward, but the result, the free consequence of the primacy of real human dignity, the supremacy of humane and humanistic reorganization.

Greco-Roman antiquity – above all as a great Greco-Buddhist reception – and the Renaissance as well as the Enlightenment will offer a timeless, cognition-leading sense of meaning, to reorder the consciousness and being of future-oriented humans. It is now up to the human being to develop the required excellence in time and thus to ensure the continuum of equilibrium. This human achievement and capacity – especially humane civility – is the necessary foundation and basis also to guarantee his survival and adequate life.

In the Anthropocene, man can thus rise to become the actual co-creator: the continuum of the human equilibrium - to live spirit, to spiritualize life - is the analogy to the cosmic (law) constant. Therefore, the transition of human development means progressing from the horizontal to the vertical priority of its design and life processes: the vertically guided equilibrium as a paradigmatic will-reasoning axis of horizontal diversity of life and free variation, at the same time creating the necessary noumenality and guaranteeing human civilization ("vertical equilibration").


The source code of vertical pillaring this kind of equilibrium lies in the inner guidance of man's self. And from this arises the necessary determination as the basis of necessity and future-creating legitimacy. The determining vertical of cosmic and rational thought laws creates the regulating and resolving normativity of the order in the external conditioning of being and having. The inner world, the consciousness, draws knowledge from the (individual) absolute, the outer world correlates and coordinates the implementation in the space of free will. And where the axis of transcendence intersects with reality, this crosspoint, this center describes the perception and development of aesthetics and culture; here the sublimity and essential elevation of individual self-perception as well as societal narratives are conceived and generated, at the same time existentially connected.

In particular, future governing can also succeed in a non-violent manner if people allow themselves time and space for transition development, to consistently liberate themselves from within and to emancipate themselves from the primacy of the outside world. The resulting reordering of the societal world will not only continuously secure the future of human civilization, but also lead the humane - in accordance with its original dignity - into the pending, decisive development.

It is not the traditional individual of egocentricity and personal power interests that is the bearer of this power (of the spirit), but all the more the individual who has chosen himself. Only the Self - from the power of the only absolute - creates autonomy, sovereignty and principal legitimacy. The Self directs qualities and pressing traits and interests of the ego towards balancing reason from the supremacy of the spirit. This power constituted in this way - based on the highest humane self-determination and empowerment - no longer even requires quantitative majorities and quotas. The authority of the spirit / mind, i.e. the will deducted from it and being adequately communicated, negotiates transparently and convinces in a way that creates meaning and truth. The existential guarantee of a humane future is based on the generation of reasonable approximation of truth. Consequently the inner guidance facilitates, processes, incorporates the rule of the best, in order to adequately synchronize the space of free will with the universal and human laws of creation and continuously to develop it further. The humanoid person becomes a human being, his self a co-creative “generator” and innovator of the civility of his equilibral societal worlds.

The equilibrium contains the potential of the synthesis of noumenon and phenomenon, of transcendence and immanence, of metaphysics and physics and thus the premises for successfully mastering crises, transition and future processes. The supremacy of the mind for the intelligent application of reason-guided thought laws grants the (too) long underestimated power of the mind as a universal normative source for the process of finding truth and rightness. The bearer of this development is the independent, self-determined, de-personalizing individual. This constitutes fundamental, Self based civility, leadership and legitimacy of systemic reordering, a new order of sustainable, humane, societal worlds.

? J Michael Heynen | NOMOI INSTITUTE


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