A Crisis Is Imminent? Communication Is Everything!
Is your business being shaken by a crisis? Then you need good communication to successfully manoeuvre your business through this difficult time. Read the article to find out what's important.
A Concept Through the Crisis
A solid crisis communication concept essentially fulfils three points:
Identify risks for your business in advance and work out the appropriate measures for various scenarios.
Crisis Communication Plan
You summarise these scenarios and measures in a crisis communication plan. This is where you define how you will communicate with the parties involved in various emergencies. Clarify responsibilities and prepare different content.
Make sure that you cover the time before, during and after the crisis. Be transparent, keep an eye on public opinion and sensitise employees (if available) to this topic.
When a Crisis Occurs
Blind actionism is not helpful in a crisis. Instead, keep calm. If you stick to your prepared crisis communication plan, you have a good basis for taking swift and considered action. Start your communication at the source of the crisis and then express yourself through other channels if necessary. Focus on consistency, comprehensibility and flexibility - this will help you to keep everyone involved in a crisis situation on the same page and prevent a discourse from escalating in an undesirable direction.
Crisis Overcome: What Now?
Once the crisis has been overcome, it's time to follow up. This will enable you to cope even better with future emergencies and adapt your reactions:
Learn from past experiences - that way you will be even better prepared for another crisis.
Your business benefits from good crisis communication on several levels: You maintain your image and secure the trust of your customers. In addition, you remain capable of acting even in difficult times. Read more about this topic here: Crisis Communication For Small and Medium Sized Enterprises.