The CRINK Syndicate: A Dangerous Underworld Alliance
2X Pulitzer Prize Nominee. Army Ranger. NY Times Bestselling Ghostwriter & Editor. Biophysicist.
The Storm That Is Here
The storm is not coming. The storm is here. I know storms. I have seen them in Mozambique and in Guatemala and in Montana. But this storm is different. It comes from the East, where four nations have made a pact I call The CRINK Syndicate: China, Russia, Iran, North Korea. They are not friends. But they hunt together, like wolves that smell weakness.
China moves like a boxer who knows he is stronger. Russia fights dirty because that is what it knows. Iran waits in the desert heat, patient and deadly. North Korea is the mad dog that might bite friend or foe. Together they are The CRINK Syndicate. It is an ugly word for an ugly thing. I designed "CRINK" to sound absurd, some Hecho en China toy about to break. The CRINKs don't know it yet, but their breaking point is coming, and it spells both sunshine and doom for Americans.
America stands against them because that is what America does. But America is tired. You can see it in the eyes of the people. They know what is coming but they do not want to say it. The old words about being the greatest nation do not sound the same anymore. They are hollow, like a bell that has been struck too many times. All is not lost, though.
The Workers
The workers were always the true strength of America. Not the rich men in New York or the politicians in Washington, but the men who worked steel and built ships and farmed the land. I knew these men. They were good men. Strong men. Now they are lost.
The factory workers watch machines take their place. The office workers sit in cubicles and stare at screens. They are all workers but they do not know each other. In China, The CRINK Syndicate masters have made their workers into machines. They are efficient. They do not complain. They do not dream. America must choose if this is what it wants.
The Land
I have seen the farms of America. They stretch far and they are beautiful in the morning light. But they are changing. The old farmers are dying and their children do not want the land. The machines come and they are efficient but they do not love the soil.
In China, The CRINK Syndicate stronghold, they have killed the soul of farming. It is all science now. Numbers. Production quotas. The American farmers watch and wonder if this is their future too. Some fight against it. Others give up. The land does not care either way. It only knows the hands that work it.
The Thinkers
A nation needs men who think as much as it needs men who work. But the thinkers in America fight each other now. They sit in universities and argue about things that do not matter to the men who work the land or the factories.
In China, The CRINK Syndicate leaders tell the thinkers what to think. It is simple. It is clean. It is wrong. But in America, the freedom to think has become a curse. The people do not trust the thinkers anymore. They think they are elite. Soft. The truth is hard to find when everyone shouts and no one listens.
The War That Waits
I know war. I have seen and felt it up close. This new war that The CRINK Syndicate brings is different. It is fought with computers and lies and money. But it can turn hot fast. Taiwan sits like a powder keg. Ukraine bleeds. Iran builds bombs in the desert. North Korea plays with fire.
If the war comes, it will not be like the old wars. Cities will go dark. Food will not move. Money will disappear from computers. It will be a bad way to fight. But that is how The CRINK Syndicate wants it. They know America is strong in the old ways of war. So they make new ways.
The New Workers
They call it the gig economy. It is a fancy name for being alone. The workers drive cars for strangers or deliver food or sit at home and work on computers. They are free, they say. But freedom without security is like a boat without an anchor.
In China, The CRINK Syndicate way is to control everything. Every driver, every delivery, every click is watched. In America, the workers are free but hungry. Neither way is good. There must be another way.
The Money and What Comes
The money men say there are three ways ahead. Slow growth that limps along. Moving factories away from China and The CRINK Syndicate, which will hurt before it helps, but at least Mexico and Vietnam will get a shot. Or betting everything on new tech and computers that will leave many behind.
None of these ways is good. None is bad. They are just what is. Like weather. Like war. Like the taste of wine or the kick of a gun. You cannot choose the time you live in. You can only choose how you live in it.
The End, A Beginning
So here we are. America stands at the crossroads. The CRINK Syndicate watches and waits. The storm is not coming. The storm is here. It is time to choose which way to go.
I have seen nations fall. I have seen nations rise. The strong ones are not always the ones that survive. The ones that survive are the ones that know what they are and do not pretend to be something else. America must decide what it is. And it must decide soon.
The river flows. The storm grows. There is no time left to waste.
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