Criminal safe havens, mushroom grass technology, and promoting human rights through ...
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
?Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:
Today’s quote:
- 美国是中国外逃腐败和经济犯罪嫌疑人最集中的国家。但近年来美方一直消极对待中方提出的追逃等合作要求,违背《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》和《联合国反腐败公约》精神,也背离了美方在国际场合所作公开承诺。我们敦促美方纠正错误,积极配合中方追逃追赃工作,切实履行国际义务和承诺,不要做犯罪分子的“避罪天堂”。?
The US has received the largest number of Chinese fugitives suspected of corruption and other economic crimes. However, the US has been stonewalling China’s requests in recent years for cooperation on repatriating fugitives. This runs counter to the spirit of the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, the UN Convention against Corruption, and commitments openly made by the US on the international stage. We call on the US to correct its mistake, facilitate China’s efforts to repatriate fugitives and recover illegal proceeds, faithfully fulfill its international obligations and commitments, and avoid becoming a safe haven for criminals.??
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 中国政府将继续坚持以零容忍态度惩治腐败,坚持有逃必追、一追到底,腐败分子即使逃到天涯海角,也要追回来绳之以法。我们也敦促有关国家切实履行国际责任,积极回应中方提出的司法执法合作请求,不要成为腐败分子和非法资金的“避罪天堂”。?
The Chinese government will continue to combat corruption with zero tolerance, hold every corrupt fugitive accountable with firm resolve, and bring them to justice even if they have fled to the ends of the earth. We also urge relevant countries to earnestly fulfill international responsibilities, actively respond to China’s request for judicial and law-enforcement cooperation, and not to turn itself into a “safe haven” for corrupt individuals and illegal assets.?
- 美国是世界最大的“避罪天堂”。美国是外逃腐败和经济犯罪嫌疑人最集中的国家,是腐败资产的重要流入地。美国是世界上建立匿名空壳公司最容易的国家之一。?
The US is the biggest “safe haven”. It has the largest number of overseas fugitives suspected of corruption and economic crimes and is an important destination for corrupt assets. It is easier to set up a shell company in the US than elsewhere.?
- 我们敦促有关国家,信守反腐承诺,履行公约义务,停止庇护腐败犯罪,停止贪图不义之财,停止成为腐败分子的“避罪天堂”。?
We urge relevant countries to honor their anti-corruption commitments, fulfill their obligations under the Convention, stop sheltering corruption crimes, stop raking in ill-gotten gains, and stop being a “safe haven” for corrupt individuals.
?-党代表通道?dǎng dài biǎo tōng dào?delegate corridor (at party congresses)?们注意到,近日,出席党的二十大代表在“党代表通道”上分享了中国菌草技术从中国走向世界的故事。?
We noted that a delegate to the 20th National Congress of the CPC shared the story at the “delegate corridor” of how China’s Juncao (mushroom grass) technology has benefited countries around the world.
Today’s quote:
- 我们建成世界上规模最大的教育体系、社会保障体系、医疗卫生体系,九年义务教育普及程度已超过世界高收入国家平均水平,高等教育进入普及化阶段,让每个人都有人生出彩和梦想成真的机会。?
We have put in place the world’s largest education system, social security system and health care system. The coverage of nine-year compulsory education in China has surpassed the average of high-income countries. Access to higher education is becoming universal, giving everyone the chance of excelling themselves and making dreams come true.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 去年,我国人均GDP已达到12500多美元,已经接近世界银行高收入国家标准的门槛。?
Last year, China's per capita GDP reached around 12,500 U.S. dollars, which is close to the threshold of the World Bank's standard for high-income countries.?
- 健康事业的发展给人民群众带来实实在在的健康福祉,中国人均预期寿命从1981年的67.9岁提高到2016年的76.5岁,孕产妇死亡率从1990年的88.9/10万下降到2016年的19.9/10万,婴儿死亡率从1981年的34.7‰下降到2016年的7.5‰,居民的主要健康指标总体上优于中高收入国家平均水平,提前实现联合国千年发展目标。?
The development in the field of health services has brought concrete benefits to the Chinese people. The average life expectancy of the Chinese rose to 76.5 years in 2016 from 67.9 years in 1981; maternal mortality dropped from 88.9 per 100,000 persons in 1990 to 19.9 per 100,000 persons in 2016; and infant mortality declined from 34.7 per 1,000 in 1981 to 7.5 per 1,000 in 2016. The main health indicators of the Chinese are generally better than the average level of middle- and high-income countries, and China has achieved the UN's Millennium Goals in this regard ahead of schedule.?
- 为了更好地保障人民群众的健康权,中国正在加紧推进健康中国建设,已制定实施《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》《全民健身计划(2016-2020年)》《“十三五”卫生与健康规划》《“十三五”深化医药卫生体制改革规划》等一系列规划纲要,并提出“三步走”的目标,即到2020年,建立覆盖城乡居民的中国特色基本医疗卫生制度,主要健康指标居于中高收入国家前列;到2030年,促进全民健康的制度体系更加完善,主要健康指标进入高收入国家行列;到2050年,建成与社会主义现代化国家相适应的健康国家。?
A series of plans and outlines have been made and implemented, including the "Healthy China 2030" Planning Outline, the National Fitness Program (2016-2020), the 13th Five-Year Plan for Medical and Health Service Development, and the Plan for Deepening Reform of the Medical and Healthcare System During the 13th Five-Year Plan Period (2016-2020). The Chinese government has put forward a "three-step" goal: a sound basic medical and healthcare system with Chinese characteristics will be established covering both urban and rural residents, with the main health indicators ranking in the forefront of the high- and middle-income countries by 2020; the health-promotion system will be improved, with the main health indicators in the ranks of the high-income countries by 2030; and a healthy China conforming to the requirements of a modern socialist country will be built by 2050.
Today’s quote:
- 们注意到,近日,出席党的二十大代表在“党代表通道”上分享了中国菌草技术从中国走向世界的故事。?
We noted that a delegate to the 20th National Congress of the CPC shared the story at the “delegate corridor” of how China’s Juncao (mushroom grass) technology has benefited countries around the world.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 菌草技术解决了“食用菌生产必靠大砍树木”这一世界难题,通过“以草代木”栽培食用菌,为广大发展中国家带去了解决粮食和贫困问题、实现可持续发展的希望。从南太到非洲再到拉美,这些“中国草”已传播到世界106个国家和地区,成为无数发展中国家民众的“幸福草”“致富草”。中非共和国总统图瓦德拉表示,菌草项目将惠及中非国内多个不同生产部门。巴布亚新几内亚总理马拉佩表示,菌草项目是中国送给世界的礼物。?
The Juncao technology solved the problem troubling the world that to produce edible mushrooms, trees must be cut down. The Juncao technology uses grass instead of wood to cultivate edible fungi, offering a solution and hope to the developing countries facing the need to tackle food insecurity and poverty and achieve sustainable development. From the South Pacific to Africa and Latin America, the grass from China has been introduced to 106 countries and regions over the years and turned itself into a grass of happiness and wealth. Faustin-Archange Touadéra, President of the Central African Republic, said the Juncao project will benefit many production sectors of the country. James Marape, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, said the Juncao project is a gift from China to the whole world.?
- 中国国家国际发展合作署支持发展菌草技术,为100多个国家和地区创造了绿色就业机会。?
The China International Development Cooperation Agency has supported the development of Juncao technology, creating green jobs in more than 100 countries and regions.
Today’s quote:
- 美国对7名中国公民强制遣返一名中国人的行为提起指控。?
The US charged seven Chinese nationals accused of trying to forcibly repatriate a Chinese.?
Previous PRC bistory of the term:
- 被关押在沙特的一名维吾尔族女子对法新社表示,她担心被遣返回中国。?
A Uyghur woman held in Saudi Arabia told AFP she feared being deported to China.?
- 近期,澳大利亚边境执法人员数次针对中国赴澳留学人员入境悉尼进行无端盘查,检查手机及个人物品,并将中国高校组织军训认定为所谓的“军事训练”,以隐瞒所谓“军事训练”经历为由取消签证并遣返。?
Recently, there are multiple incidents where the Australian border law enforcement officers in Sydney interrogated Chinese students, and examine their cellphones and personal belongings for no reason when they tried to enter the country to pursue their studies. The Australian side designated the Chinese students’ university military training courses as “military training” and repatriated them after canceling their visas on the grounds that they concealed the experience of accepting “military training”.?
- 维权组织称,中国大陆向外国政府施压,要求其将来自台湾的犯罪嫌疑人遣返至大陆,尽管大陆与台湾于2009年达成过一项协议,同意双方警方将海外嫌疑人送回各自地区。请问中方为何要将来自台湾的海外逃犯遣返至大陆??
Rights groups say Beijing has pressured foreign governments to deport Taiwanese criminal suspects to the mainland, despite a 2009 agreement that police from both sides would return overseas suspects to their respective territories. What is the reason for deporting Taiwanese fugitives to the mainland??
- 开展“天网行动”,加大海外追逃、遣返引渡力度。?
China carries out "Sky Net" operation and intensifies efforts to pursue, repatriate and extradite fugitives accused of corruption.
- 中国共产党创立伊始,就高度重视尊重和保障人权。“人民的幸福生活是最大的人权”,为中国人民谋幸福是中国共产党人始终不渝的初心。?
Ever since its founding, the CPC has attached great importance to respecting and protecting human rights. A happy life for all is the biggest human right. To seek happiness for the Chinese people has always been an unswerving aspiration of Chinese communists.
- 菌草技术解决了“食用菌生产必靠大砍树木”这一世界难题,通过“以草代木”栽培食用菌,为广大发展中国家带去了解决粮食和贫困问题、实现可持续发展的希望。从南太到非洲再到拉美,这些“中国草”已传播到世界106个国家和地区,成为无数发展中国家民众的“幸福草”“致富草”。中非共和国总统图瓦德拉表示,菌草项目将惠及中非国内多个不同生产部门。巴布亚新几内亚总理马拉佩表示,菌草项目是中国送给世界的礼物。?
The Juncao technology solved the problem troubling the world that to produce edible mushrooms, trees must be cut down. The Juncao technology uses grass instead of wood to cultivate edible fungi, offering a solution and hope to the developing countries facing the need to tackle food insecurity and poverty and achieve sustainable development. From the South Pacific to Africa and Latin America, the grass from China has been introduced to 106 countries and regions over the years and turned itself into a grass of happiness and wealth. Faustin-Archange Touadéra, President of the Central African Republic, said the Juncao project will benefit many production sectors of the country. James Marape, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, said the Juncao project is a gift from China to the whole world.
- 中国积极参与全球人权治理。联合国人权理事会先后3次通过中方提交的“发展对享有所有人权的贡献”和“在人权领域促进合作共赢”决议,“以发展促人权”“以合作促人权”的理念在国际社会深入人心。我们积极参与联合国人权事务,五度担任人权理事会成员,是当选次数最多的国家之一。中方旗帜鲜明抵制和反对打着人权幌子干涉发展中国家内政,赢得国际社会特别是广大发展中国家的支持和响应。?
The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has adopted three times the resolutions on “the contribution of development to the enjoyment of all human rights” and “promoting mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of human rights” submitted by China. The concept of promoting human rights through development and cooperation has gained strong support in the international community. China has actively participated in human rights affairs at the UN. It has served on the UNHRC five times and is one of the most frequently elected HRC members. We unequivocally reject and oppose interference in the internal affairs of developing countries under the pretext of human rights. This has been supported and echoed by the international community, especially the vast developing world.
- 中国积极参与全球人权治理。联合国人权理事会先后3次通过中方提交的“发展对享有所有人权的贡献”和“在人权领域促进合作共赢”决议,“以发展促人权”“以合作促人权”的理念在国际社会深入人心。我们积极参与联合国人权事务,五度担任人权理事会成员,是当选次数最多的国家之一。中方旗帜鲜明抵制和反对打着人权幌子干涉发展中国家内政,赢得国际社会特别是广大发展中国家的支持和响应。?
The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has adopted three times the resolutions on “the contribution of development to the enjoyment of all human rights” and “promoting mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of human rights” submitted by China. The concept of promoting human rights through development and cooperation has gained strong support in the international community. China has actively participated in human rights affairs at the UN. It has served on the UNHRC five times and is one of the most frequently elected HRC members. We unequivocally reject and oppose interference in the internal affairs of developing countries under the pretext of human rights. This has been supported and echoed by the international community, especially the vast developing world.
- 菌草技术解决了“食用菌生产必靠大砍树木”这一世界难题,通过“以草代木”栽培食用菌,为广大发展中国家带去了解决粮食和贫困问题、实现可持续发展的希望。从南太到非洲再到拉美,这些“中国草”已传播到世界106个国家和地区,成为无数发展中国家民众的“幸福草”“致富草”。中非共和国总统图瓦德拉表示,菌草项目将惠及中非国内多个不同生产部门。巴布亚新几内亚总理马拉佩表示,菌草项目是中国送给世界的礼物。?
The Juncao technology solved the problem troubling the world that to produce edible mushrooms, trees must be cut down. The Juncao technology uses grass instead of wood to cultivate edible fungi, offering a solution and hope to the developing countries facing the need to tackle food insecurity and poverty and achieve sustainable development. From the South Pacific to Africa and Latin America, the grass from China has been introduced to 106 countries and regions over the years and turned itself into a grass of happiness and wealth. Faustin-Archange Touadéra, President of the Central African Republic, said the Juncao project will benefit many production sectors of the country. James Marape, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, said the Juncao project is a gift from China to the whole world.
Today’s quote:
- 打击违法犯罪、开展国际追逃追赃是维护和促进法治的正义事业,得到国际社会广泛认同。中国执法机关严格根据国际法开展对外执法合作,充分尊重外国法律和司法主权,依法保障犯罪嫌疑人合法权益,有关行动无可非议。?
Fighting crimes, repatriating fugitives and recovering illegal proceeds is about upholding and advancing justice and the rule of law. It is widely supported by the international community. In pursuing international cooperation in this field, Chinese law-enforcement authorities strictly abide by international law, fully respect other countries’ laws and judicial sovereignty, and protect the lawful rights and interests of the suspects, which is fully justified and legitimate.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 中方高度重视此次缔约国会议,派高级别代表团线上出席,并在发言中肯定今年6月反腐败问题特别联大对全球反腐败治理的重要意义,介绍中国共产党作为百年大党全面从严治党和反腐败斗争经验,表示中国认真履行《联合国反腐败公约》义务,高举多边主义旗帜,高度重视反腐败国际合作,积极开展跨境腐败治理和国际追逃追赃,呼吁各国拒绝成为腐败分子和腐败资产的“避风港”,不搞反腐败执法合作小圈子,维护和发展基于《公约》的全球反腐败治理规则体系,切实消除追逃追赃各种障碍。?
China attaches great importance to this session of the Conference of the States Parties and sent a high-level delegation to attend the meeting via video link. In the speech delivered at the session, the Chinese side acknowledged the significance of the UN General Assembly special session on corruption held in June to the global anti-corruption governance. The Chinese side introduced the experience of the Communist Party of China, a major party with century-long history, in comprehensively exercising rigorous governance over the Party and fighting against corruption. China seriously fulfills its obligations under the UNCAC, holds high the banner of multilateralism, attaches great importance to international cooperation against corruption, and actively carries out cross-border corruption governance and international repatriation of fugitives and recovery of assets. China calls on countries to refuse to become a “safe haven” for corrupt individuals and assets, reject small cliques on anti-corruption law enforcement cooperation, uphold and develop global governance rules based on the Convention, and earnestly remove obstacles to hunting down fugitives and recovering assets.?
- 中国政府坚持以零容忍态度惩治腐败,坚定开展国际追逃追赃,将外逃腐败分子绳之以法,这是正义事业、光明之举,得到人民群众普遍赞誉。?
The Chinese government has taken a zero-tolerance approach in fighting corruption, resolutely participated in international efforts to repatriate fugitives and recovered assets, and brought corrupt fugitives to justice. This is a just cause that has won widespread praise from the people.?
- 巩固双方在司法协助、引渡和遣返等领域的合作成果,加强司法协助类条约签署、追逃追赃、打击跨国有组织犯罪以及反腐败等领域的交流与合作。?
We will consolidate the results of bilateral cooperation in mutual legal assistance, extradition and repatriation, fugitive repatriation and asset recovery, and set up cooperation on the signing of treaties on legal assistance, as well as fighting transnational organized crimes and corruption.
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