Criminal Enterprise: Serial Criminals Behind Werner Boehm’s FinTelegram
It has come to our attention that a defamatory and false statement about us is being circulated, the content of which is incorrect, riddled with factual errors, patent absurdities, unsubstantiated allegations and damaging imputations, misrepresentation of facts, and a blatant attempt to be either motivated by ignorance of the facts, malice, or worse.
Please note the information provided on this website is fabricated, with no credible grounds or reference to sources, and is rather something of a “gossip column” with no validity. We invite the readership of the forum to conduct their due diligence based on credible sources of information as opposed to vindictive websites used to spread “hear-say” and misinformation.
?The narrative of the article and further articles on the website not only promote misguided information to its readership, regarding companies in the fin-tech industry, but it is of our understanding that the agenda of the website is to produce defamatory information on companies, which could result in the threat of financial loss or damage their client base. Therefore, it has been evidenced by various sources that the so called “vendetta machine” of fin-telegram holds the motive of publishing untrue information on entities in exchange for monetary settlement to remove their articles, or as such, the companies would face negative press by way of questions raised by their readership.
Unfortunately, it is not only Open Up that has fallen victim to their unethical practices, the forum is also responsible for publishing defamatory, biased, and untrue statements regarding many reputable entities and cashier platforms alike.
We value our customers/partners and trust that any research or due diligence conducted by them will be based on reputable sources, instead of unwarranted forums where the motivation is corrupt rather than an article based on official sources with true intentions of transparency.
We have identified numerous sources of evidence that will validate our firm position on the unreliability of fin-telegram and its owners. Please refer to the articles below, which outline the points we have referenced above and give further insights into the characteristics of the illegitimately motivated minds behind the forum itself;?
In conclusion, we acknowledge that finding such misinformation about Open Up may be alarming. However, we strongly believe that our partners and customers are of a reputable stature and can differentiate between reliable sources and those of a vindictive nature.
Open Up reserves the right to undertake the required action against any entity, individual, or forum that chooses to promote untrue statements about our organization.
Furthermore, we wholeheartedly believe that our robust panel of clients and partners will make informed decisions on their relationship with Open Up based on reputable sources of information and testimonials submitted by our global network and array of satisfied customers.
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Openup Consulting Services APS
Sankt Peders Vej 6, 2900 Hellerup