Crime To Waste Potential
James Arthur Ray
Inc. 500 Inductee | New York Time Best-Selling Author | Leadership, Personal and Business Alchemy | Business Consultant | Personal Consultant | Keynote Speaker
Triple Espresso:
It's an ethical and moral crime to waste your potential.
Please contemplate this long and hard.
Look, your life is a gift.
Authentic Leaders know this.
Your greatest gift from God is your unlimited potential; and your greatest gift back to God is to fully utilize it.
In actuality, "your life" is NOT your life. Not really. It's a part of all Life.
And the part you've been given to play is to live, learn, love and grow.
To give BACK to Life for the amazing gift you've been given.
To help others in your own unique way to expand and increase THEIR particular part of the ONE LIFE, so that Life expands and increases.
I know that might seem like a riddle, a bit esoteric, or hard to get your mind around, but you're an intelligent being. One who thinks and contemplates beyond the sizzle and flash of the mundane.
How do I know this?
You wouldn't be reading this right now in a world of 6 second attention span and scroll on by if you weren't.
Don't commit the crime of selling your birthright; and your portion of life short.
Only YOU can do what YOU'RE here to do in the WAY you do it.
Take Your Power Back!
When it's all said and done, the legacy you leave will not be house, car, money, fame or bank account.
The only lasting legacy you'll leave are the lives you've touched, the contributions you've made, and how much you really lived fully and completely.
Happy Holidays Everyone! Gift yourself or your friends seats to Mental Mastery and Power. Details here:
And have the ability to take your power back. Right now.