A Crime If Parents Don't Have Children
Holtz Realty

A Crime If Parents Don't Have Children

With the arrival of another Sunday, my first duty was to head to office, step into my dimly-lit corner and begin my session of contemplative prayer. Once again having arrived earlier than normal, it was a much quieter within which enabled me to focus more fully on my spiritual Sunday duty. Yes, it was another memorable one, and happy that evil entity wasn't trying to side-track me.

With plenty of time on my hands, I was able to get some end of the month accounting done, along with paying bills which had recently arrived, and every time I have to endure paying another Alliant Energy bill, my anger towards them is once again resurrected, and only because they've been gouging their customers for decades, and why? Because they can. It's no wonder those companies with good paying jobs are not wanting to relocate here. If I were a CFO of one of those companies, after doing enough research, I'd insist on nixing any future plans of locating here until Alliant Energy got its prices lowered to where Mid-America's are. As far as I'm concerned, their customer service is on the level of Mediacom's, which puts them near the bottom of my customer ratings ratings in North Iowa.

When I got over to St. Paul Lutheran, there were a group of bell choir ladies getting ready to practice a piece they'd be playing during their Service, so I didn't have even a moment's time to practice beforehand, so I simply sat at their dead keyboard while going thru the motions of playing those hymns.

The music was just fine, but for whatever reason, I had this gnawing feeling that everything was 'off', and shortly after their Service finished, I walked up to one of their 'go to' people and asked how the music was, and the only response was something like, “The entrance hymn could've been louder.” My only reply was, “I had it fully opened-up, so I guess I'll have to flip open a few more stops.” Unbeknownst to all of them, when I have it that loud and its only speaker is facing my legs, all I hear is jumbled noise and humming. I'd already mentioned them adding a speaker or two that would face the congregation, just so they'd get the blast instead of me. I'm sure my having shared my opinion of their organ has already been passed around, which likely doesn't set well with some. Oh well, they asked, and I gave my opinion. I'm just hoping two weeks from now, I'll have more time to play with it before they Service begins, but I'll not be expecting any great improvements because of its limitations.

By the time I arrived back at office, it was shortly after the hour of eleven, so I grabbed a quick bite to eat, and then changed into my work clothes and headed out to get some gardening done.

I must've been hard at it for a good two and a half hours, but I dare say the veggies are doing very well, and I'm still in shock over how quickly those beets, squash and my last row of carrots germinated and now growing like there's no tomorrow. As much as I was concerned over planting them this late, there's no doubt there'll be good crops of them this Fall as long as we get the rain we need. Thank goodness I wasn't bitten once by those evil black gnats, but you can be sure I was fully sprayed-down. I did get one mosquito bite on the top of my hand, but that was it.

With a couple of free hours to kill, I went back over to my work in progress and started stripping window stops which are far easier than picture mouldings, but I had to cut it short because it was beginning to sprinkle, so I called it quits for the day.

Before heading home, I stopped at Menard's to pick up some more stripping supplies, and happy there weren't as many people out there as I was expecting. For whatever reason, I really do not like shopping in that store because I always start having negative and 'issy' thoughts. More than once I mentioned that it must've been built on spiritually poisoned earth, and only because of how quickly my attitude changes once I'm within.

One of my friends who's following the news out of Russia more closely, mentioned that there's a new law their Duma wants to pass which will make it a crime if parents don't have children. Oh my gosh! If they pass that law and the Russians don't rise up against Putin and his cronies, I'll insist they've been brainwashed beyond return. I was also told that 30% of the Russians believe Ukraine needs to be nuked. Now how can that many people be so stupid? We all know that once nuclear weapons are used, that's gonna be the beginning of the end for humanity. Way back when I was young, there'd nearly always be someone in our church saying we all need to pray for the conversion of Russia. Well, they're converted, but to what? Yes, we're definitely living it troubling times.

It appears my listing at 814 N. Polk will go under contract tomorrow morning after meeting up with the sellers, because we did manage to come together on price this afternoon, so I guess my prophecy of that young person buying it, will be fulfilled. Whenever a first-time buyer can get a step ahead of those greedy investors, makes me exceptionally happy.

Tonight's One-liner is: Perpetrators try to absolve their harmful behavior by pretending to be advocates of worthy causes.

original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2024/07/07/a-crime-if-parents-dont-have-children/


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