Be the Crew, not the Passenger
Eng. Madhawa Habarakada
Materials Engineer, Quality Assurance Manager, QA/ISO Expert, TPM/LEAN Practitioner, Trainer, Student Mentor, Freelance Auditor, Toastmaster.
“There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew.”
Told who? "Marshall McLuhan" who was a ?Canadian philosopher?during the time of 1950 - 1980s.
Let us modify this a little. i.e. "There are no passengers on spaceship Sri Lanka. We are all crew".
During this hard time, everyone is blaming others and watching what is happening, what will happen and talking about what happened previously.
It is good to look back to the history, see the present and hope for the best for the future.
Does it actually worth? Does it actually count?
Are we just spectators watching the comedy movie "Sri Lanka"? Or are we also the actors inside the same movie. who are being the laughing stock for others?
Are we just sitting down and waiting until someone fly this spaceship "Sri Lanka" to a place which we wish to go? Or are we the crew members who are driving this spaceship without a proper map, steering wheel, and a specific destination???
As Marshall McLuhan said around 50 years back, we should be the crew who fly this spaceship "Sri Lanka" to the intended destination which we want.
Be that crew member, not a passenger who is sleeping on his/her chair.
Start small, one small thing by every crew member will affect at large for the success of the journey.
Small tip: Start by planting few chilly plants at your back yard or by turning off that lamp which is lighting without any use for hours.....
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P.S. This also applies to your work place. There are people who comes to work, but not to work. just do what is told and do nothing else and just watch what happens. What you should do is, involve, contribute, actively participate for the events, issues, problems the company holds, faces and assist to run the company to it's future vision.