Crew Management Services - Best Practices
Crew Management Services - Best Practices

Crew Management Services - Best Practices


The shipping industry is a global powerhouse that drives international trade and connects economies around the world. From transporting goods and commodities to facilitating global supply chains, shipping plays a vital role in fueling economic growth and connecting nations.? In this blog, we will explore the details of Crew Management Services, exploring its practices, innovations, and the crucial role it plays in our interconnected world.

What is Crew Management?

Crew Management Services
Crew Management Services

Crew management in ship management involves ensuring the vessel is equipped with capable and experienced crew members who efficiently handle operational and technical responsibilities, fulfilling the vessel's requirements for optimal performance.

A crew manning or crew management agency plays a crucial role in the complex process of assembling a suitable crew for a vessel. This involves sourcing, verifying, training, and transporting individuals, often across long distances, to ensure the smooth operation of the vessel.

The primary responsibility of a crew management company is to oversee all the necessary tasks involved in assembling an efficient crew. Their aim is to ensure that only highly skilled crew members are selected to man the vessels under their supervision. By fulfilling this objective, they contribute to the effective functioning and operation of the vessels.

Crew management for ships encompasses a range of tasks carried out by crew management companies and their manning agencies.

The crew management company assumes the responsibility of manning vessels according to crew management contracts. This entails activities such as sourcing, recruiting, selecting, deploying, scheduling, implementing training/upgrading programs, and overseeing the management of seafarers employed on vessels covered by crew management contracts.

Furthermore, it involves handling various crew administrative aspects, including payroll services, travel arrangements, insurance, assistance with health-related matters, banking and financial services, career guidance, communication responsibilities, as well as organizing team-building and family/social programs.

What is Crew Management Services?

Crew management services, also referred to as crewing, are provided by specialized shipping companies. These services are a vital component of maritime and ship management, encompassing the coordination of all activities performed by the crew on board vessels, along with the associated shore-based administrative tasks.

Responsibilities in Crew Management

Responsibilities in Crew Management
Responsibilities in Crew Management

Crew management revolves around a human-centric approach, requiring seamless coordination of various components to achieve the ultimate objective of manning the vessel with the most suitable crew members.

Top agencies understand the importance of valuing and retaining their crew just as they do with their owners. They serve as the crucial link between these two parties and take on a set of responsibilities, which include:

  • Recruitment
  • Building a crewing pool
  • Help in obtaining documents
  • Crew training
  • Wages management
  • Travel arrangement
  • Supply of crew working gears


A crew manning agency's ongoing responsibility is to recruit new talent for both junior and senior positions on vessels. They must consistently expand their current database to ensure they can readily fulfill regular and emergency manning requirements, even in the case of vessel takeovers, without compromising on the quality of the crew.

It is important to note that each owner, and even different fleets under the same owner, may have distinct crew qualifications. The crew manager coordinates with the owners to establish the various crew matrices, ensuring the supply of crew members who meet those specific requirements. Typically, the agency assesses candidates through tests and interviews before recommending them to the owners.

Building a Crewing Pool

In crew manning, things rarely go as planned. The crew members sometimes request an early relief or a contract extension. This challenge must be manageable for the agency.

A manning agency makes sure there are enough crew members available in reserve at all times to prepare for emergency sign-offs. Crew members are lined up well in advance for the different ranks aboard particular ships. This makes crew changes seamless—even in urgent situations.

On the other hand, a good crew manning firm will permit an onboard crew member to extend his contract if he so desires. If his reliever was willing to join, the firm might have to employ him on a different vessel. A positive mindset like this increases crew retention and satisfaction.

This is accomplished by regularly communicating with the crew members while they are on board or on vacation. They coordinate with them while they are on their vacation to decide their re-joining dates and to update any relevant certificates that might have expired.

Help in Obtaining Documents

A crewing agency may from time to time need to assist its crew members in getting the relevant documents from the flag state or from companies approved by the flag state, such as certificates, visas, medicals, OK to board letters, and other documents.

Crew Training

Making sure a crew is properly trained for the vessel they are being sent to is the responsibility of a crew manning agency. Many crewing agencies have their own training centers. They are capable of providing both general and specific training on topics including safety, hazmat, resource management, and first aid.

Additionally, they can provide owner- and vessel-specific training. While this form of training may not be well regulated as STCW and flag state regulations, its significance remains paramount for ensuring safe operations.

Wages Management

Payroll management services is another one of a ship manning company's responsibilities. An attribute that is constantly desired by prospective crew members is timely remuneration of competitive wages.

Travel Arrangement

The manning agency is responsible for planning a seafarer's travel, lodging, and meals from the time he leaves home until he boards the ship and vice versa.

Supply of Crew Working Gears

Depending on the provisions of the manning contract, a crew management company might be required to supply the crew with essential working gear, including items such as hard hats, boiler suits, safety shoes, work vests, gloves, goggles, etc.

To make sure that the crew has enough PPE at all times, they must be of good quality and replenished as needed.

How To Choose the Right Crew Management Company?

Choosing the Right Crew Management Company
Choosing the Right Crew Management Company

Intelligent shipowners take multiple factors into account when choosing a crew management company for their vessels. Let's examine six such factors that help assess the suitability of various manning companies.

  • Crew selection criteria
  • International crewing pool
  • Training Capabilities
  • Types of vessels under current management and past experience
  • Crew performance and monitoring processes
  • Global presence

Crew Selection Criteria

The crew selection criteria used by a good manning company are one of its most significant indicators. When a company maintains a standard for crew selection that exceeds the market average, it usually results in better-maintained vessels.

The crew's performance in the recruiting company can be effectively predicted by considering factors such as their training institute, past experience, performance in previous companies, work ethic, and attitude.

International Crewing Pool

To enhance cohesion and cooperation onboard, several vessels are crewed by a single or dual nationality crew.

Top-notch crew management companies develop and maintain an international crewing pool to cater to the requirements of vessels that employ crews from specific countries.

Training Capabilities

Many manning agencies have developed their training systems and dedicated training centres to consistently update the skills of their seafarers. They can provide both generic and vessel-specific training to the crew before they board the vessel.

The crew is well appraised of the vessel's requirements and can maintain the standards set by the owner and the manager.

Types of vessels under Current Management and Past Experience

Types of Vessels
Types of Vessels

A manning company that possesses extensive experience in managing various vessels develops its processes and selection criteria to enhance the quality of the supplied crew.

This is advantageous for the crew, the manager, and the owner as they receive adequate support from the management to handle various situations on board.

Crew Performance and Monitoring Processes

A reputable crew management company continuously assesses the performance of its crew in order to maintain their quality. This maintains vessel operations at a high standard.

By means of their processes, any inconsistencies or sub-par performance are promptly brought to the attention of the manning company, enabling them to take remedial action swiftly and prevent incidents from occurring.

Global Presence

The worldwide presence of a manning company facilitates logistical support for transporting the crew to any location on time, thereby preventing delays or no-show crew changes.

The crew change planning and itinerary arrangement can occur smoothly and predictably by following the various checkpoints.


For several years now, the maritime industry has been experiencing an acute shortage of qualified and skilled crew members, particularly for the top ranks.

Despite the increase in supply over the years, the demand for crew members has exceeded it. As a result, crew manning has become a challenging task for all manning companies, and this trend is expected to continue for all types of vessels.

In this scenario, it becomes crucial for owners to select a reliable crew manning company that can meet expectations by providing the right crew on time, every time. The mentioned criteria should help in narrowing down choices and assisting with the selection process.

Contact us for Crew Management Services

Contact No. : +91 9892082041?

Email: [email protected]?



Tags: Crew Management Services in Mumbai, Crew Management in shipping, Crew Management Companies, Ship Management Services, Team Management Services, Ship Management Services Meaning, Crew Management on Ship, Crew Management on ship, Crew Management shipping companies, shipping companies, international shipping, crew manning, ship manning, crew management

Hashtags: #crewmanagement #crewing #seafarerslife #seafarers #nanakshipping #captdilipnarsian #maritimeindustry #maritime #crewmanning



