Crepmaster's News Bulletin #11
Wow! Writing this message I realized that it’s been since last December that I issued a detailed Bulletin on LinkedIn. My fault. The Crepmaster’s News Bulletin #10 had too much content to me assimilated fully by a human being. I’ll keep this one brief (I’ll try).
All Cities
The 169 cities list in which I booked at least a show is now updated online (linking to location on Google Map for each). Here is the link: Crepmaster (Villes – Cities).
Crepmaster’s “bot” pretends to be a magician!
I have a bot on Messenger since May 2018 helping me out with automated messages and having fun with people. He’s a character in himself. Subscribe by clicking on this link If you understand French write him “French” (only). He’ll keep this in mind after confirming with you. If he sends a message to the French speaking people he’ll send one to you too. It’s fun to experience the interactions with Crep’s bot.
On February 11 I attended a pro magicians lecture set up by the Club de Magie du Québec. It was Chris Mayhew’s lecture. I loved it and I learned important stuff. I already perform new effects as a results. To come down to Quebec City Chris didn’t want to travel alone so he brought another magician with him: Ben Train. They are both Canadians. Ben started the lecture showing us a mentalism effect that can even be done from a long distance with only 5 Skittles (or other colored candies). It gave me a great idea! I’ll taught it to my bot and he’s now able to perform it to anyone contacting “him” 24/7. Just write him "Do the trick" while you're in touch with him/me.
Since the last Crepmaster’s News Bulletin 9 pictures were added to the Reunion album. It started with a magician (Michel Asselin). He was telling me how true it was what I was saying in the News Bulletin #10 on the competition between magicians. He was admiring my transparency on social networks and that I dare to say the real things openly.
New Videos!
Here are the new videos that came up on YouTube since the last News Bulletin:
- Crepmaster Andy’s birthday
- Corde à travers Crepmaster (Rope Through Crepmaster)
- Est ce que tes shows de fêtes d'enfant sont interactifs? (Are your kid’s birthdays shows interactive?)
Detailed standard services available online 24/7 !
Here they are (links): Kid’s birthday, Walk-Around Magic and VIP Show.
New Service
I tweak the content of my services from time to time (kid’s birthays, stage show, walk-around magic and VIP Shows). This way the ones hiring me more than once for a same service are always surprised.
But there is a new upmarket service that I’ll release. It’s the VIP Extrem Show! It will start with the 2 last insane effects from my VIP Show and will contain only mentalism, telekinesis and effects with fire! I started practicing new “moves” for it. Even though it’s not top notch yet here is a video of my practicing: Telekinesis Warming Up.
New Site and “Pro” Emails
In my early days I was putting videos on YouTube and asked every single FaceBook friend what they thought. It allowed me to adjust. Lots of magicians and marketing people told me I had to have my own website with my own emails to gain more credibility. I was on many plateforms including Gigmasters that I was using as my main site. I had a hotmail that I still have. I was told that I wouldn’t book shows as a result. This lack of my own site and “pro” emails didn’t stop me from being the most reviewed magician on independent sites (French/English) in the entire Canada. It didn’t prevent me either from getting many prices including the Gigmasters Top Booked Member – August 2018 (September, October, November 2018 and January 2019) throughout North America! I didn’t have a pro site and emails yet! It’s now handled! I’ll finally be able to book shows! I was really looking forward to it. I can perform 7 days a week am, pm and night as far as I’m concerned!
Here it is:
I can be written to at a pro email [email protected] now if it’s important for the person to believe that I deliver. I need to work a bit more to find how to originate an email from that address still but it’s coming.
If you need informations or want to tell me something go for it. I hope I'll get in touch with you. I love people!
Magically, Crepmaster (Francois Crepeau) 418-928-9215
Crepmaster le Magicien
5 年Wahouu!! Merci Guy, Marie-Claude et Denis pour le like. Que la magie soit avec vous! ;)