Creditors, Collections and Bankruptcy--How to Collect and Avoid the Pitfals

Creditors, Collections and Bankruptcy--How to Collect and Avoid the Pitfals

Collecting debt after Bankruptcy.

Credit Executives should have a basic understanding of the Bankruptcy Code and Rules in order to protect and maximize their right to collect their receivables.

  • Just because a company is in Bankruptcy does not mean you have no remedy.
  • Sales of goods within twenty days of a Bankruptcy Petition are recoverable if you act swiftly.

The purpose of the Code is often stated as a procedure to ensure that the assets of "good faith" debtors are distributed in an orderly way and to preserve, maintain and to collect all of the Debtor's assets so that they can be distributed to creditors on an "equitable" basis. One of the ways that the Code ensures an orderly distribution is the Automatic Stay which stops the "rush to the Courthouse." Once a Petition in Bankruptcy is filed, all creditors must stop collection procedures and any creditor who ignores the Stay may incur heavy sanctions. The Code determines what is an "equitable" distribution to creditors. It is basically determined by the type of creditor you are. Secured Creditors such as Accounts Receivable Lenders are generally paid before other creditors and may recover their entire debt before the balance of the assets in the Estate trickle down to the unsecured trade debt, bondholders and shareholders--who are generally wiped out completely.

Perhaps the best way to ensure payment by a Company which files a Bankruptcy Petition is to hold a personal guarantee from the Principals of the Company. They are not protected by the automatic Preference Payment Basics Preferences in Individual bankruptcies are the same as in any Corporate or other Entity Preference.

A.The Trustee Can Avoid 5 Different Payments from the Debtor to You

  • The trustee may avoid any transfer of an interest of the debtor in property:

1) to or for the benefit of a creditor;

2) for or on an account of an antecedent debt owed by the debtor before such transfer was made;

3) made while debtor was insolvent;

4) made on or within 90 days before the date of the filing of the petition (or a year before if the transfer was by an insider); and

5) that enables such creditor to receive more than such creditor would receive if the case were a case under Chapter 7 of the Act, had the transfer not been made.

Practically speaking, if a creditor receives funds from a debtor (voluntary or otherwise) within 90 days prior to debtor’s bankruptcy filing, the trustee can demand turnover of those funds.

The Five Exceptions

There are several exceptions to the trustee’s power, which include:

1) Contemporaneous exchange for new value given;

2) Payment of a debt incurred in the ordinary course of business;

3) Payment which creates a security interest given for new value;

4) Bona fide payment for domestic support;

5) Payment in an amount totaling less than $600 (in the aggregate if multiple payments over 90-day period.

The trustee can always exercise demand for turnover of a preferential payment, but a debtor can also make the same demand to the extent that such preference is exempted in debtor’s petition, and thereby abandoned by the trustee.

In the world of collection law, the preference issue is most prevalent when a judgment creditor is garnishing debtor’s wages or bank accounts just prior to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing. When this happens, you will often receive communication from the trustee, demanding turnover for a certain “preference” amount.

As a lender or creditor, you should review your own records and the relevant court docket to confirm the accuracy of the amount being demanded. If there is disagreement over the preference amount, the trustee should be notified. More often than not, the trustee will negotiate if given a legitimate reason (e.g., payments received by the state court prior to the 90-day period, but sent to your office within that period). When a demand is made by a debtor, the amount demanded must also be exempted in a debtor’s petition. If it was not, a debtor does not have a right to turnover. Refusal to turnover preferential funds could lead to an action for turnover.

The Automatic Stay. An automatic stay goes into effect upon the filing of any bankruptcy petition. The automatic stay stops all pending civil actions or executions including foreclosures and certification of foreclosure sheriff sales.

The Act created automatic stay limits/exceptions for multiple Chapter 13 filers. Specifically, if a bankruptcy is filed after another bankruptcy was pending within the previous year, debtor only receives a 30-day stay for the second filing.

If a debtor files a third bankruptcy after two (2) others are pending within the previous year, there is no stay relief–so check the Docket. A debtor can request an extension of the shortened 30-day stay, but must do so within 30 days of the bankruptcy filing.

Creditors can get an order confirming the inapplicability of the autostay if it expires, but it is important to keep in mind that the shortened stay only applies to the individual, not property of the estate.

Therefore, creditors will still need to get relief of stay as to real estate that is property of the bankruptcy estate, even if the personal stay has expired on a serial filer.

II. Relief from stay is a method to request a lift or removal of section 362 autostay protections.

Such a request can be made by any creditor under the following circumstances:

1) To pursue secured collateral;

2) Lack of adequate protection;

3) Lack of equity in property that is not required for reorganization (a 2nd or 3rd motor vehicle);

4) If evidence exists that the bankruptcy filing was part of a scheme to delay, hinder and/or defraud creditors that involve either a transfer of all or part ownership of interest in real property without consent of a secured creditor, or debtor has filed multiple filings to stop creditor’s civil remedies (i.e., multiple bankruptcy filings to stop foreclosure sales).

Additionally, creditors can request relief from the co-debtor stay on an unsecured debt where the claim will not be paid in the bankruptcy or on a secured debt in conjunction with a motion for relief from stay of the bankrupt debtor.

III. Exemptions

Since I have written previously on individual filings under Chapter 7 or 13 of the Code, I will briefly mention that in a case under Chapter 7, very few creditors get paid and most creditors are paid nothing. Under a Chapter 13 Case, an individual is required to pay all of his creditors over time. As discussed earlier, certain property of a bankrupt debtor is protected from being used to pay creditors in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Likewise, these same exemptions keep assets from being used as a basis for higher payments to unsecured creditors in a Chapter 13. The exemptions used in bankruptcy are the same exemptions in a personal garnishment or execution.

Generally a small amount of Cash –2) Residential Real Estate – Depending on the County in which the Homestead exists; 3) Motor Vehicle (1) 4) Household goods – $12,250.00 (up to $575.00 per item) 5) Jewelry – 6) Tools of Trade –7) Wildcard – 8) Pensions, 401k, Unemployment, Workers’ Comp., domestic support payments and most IRA’s. These exemptions can also be used as a basis to have liens set aside (discussed later).

IV. Protecting Your Claim in Bankruptcy Creditors may file a proof of claim in Chapter 13 reorganizations and Chapter 7 asset cases.

This must be done in order to let the trustee/debtor know that you have a claim, the amount of the claim, and the type of the claim.

This will potentially determine how, when and/or if (and to what extent) you get paid in the bankruptcy.

Generally, claims must be filed within ninety days of the first date set for the meeting of creditors.

This period is extended for governmental units to one hundred and eighty (180) days.

V.Creditors are paid in a Chapter 13

The order of payment is generally:

1) Domestic support obligations;

2) Administrative Expenses and attorney fees;

3) Secured Creditors;

4) Priority Creditors;

5) General Unsecured Creditors.

VI. In a Chapter 7, secured creditors are paid if the collateral secured is being sold. Otherwise, assets are distributed as follows: 1) Domestic support obligations; 2) Administrative Expenses; 3) Priority Creditors; 4) General Unsecured Creditors. Claims can be filed late if notice was not properly given to a creditor. Otherwise, late claims may be paid if there is enough to pay them, but will be put last on the distribution list. In addition to filing a proof of claim in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, creditors must object to debtor’s payment plan if it does not provide for the creditor’s claim properly (balance, interest or otherwise). Interest can often be compromised on general consumer debts in a Chapter 13. Additionally, some secured debts can be “crammed down” based upon the value of the collateral at issue (secured vs. unsecured portion of debt). This cram down option applies to car loans, mortgages on investment property, and second mortgages. A debtor cannot cram down debt on a first mortgage on primary residential real estate or car loans that were incurred within 910 days of the bankruptcy filing. A debtor can still compromise interest per Till.

Finally, interest cannot be compromised on tax claims if set by statute. (In 2011, changes were made to the Bankruptcy Rules regarding the filing of proofs of claim.) Specifically, while Rule 3001 always required written support for claims, now a creditor must also attach information relative to the principal, interest, fees, and other expenses incurred pre-bankruptcy.

The rule also deals with the finality of Chapter 13 cases and requires principal residence mortgage creditors to file and serve the debtor, debtor’s counsel, and the trustee a notice of any change in payment amount, post-petition fees, expenses, and charges. Finally, at the end of a Chapter 13 plan, the trustee shall file and serve on creditor, debtor, and debtor’s counsel a notice stating that the debtor has paid in full the amount required to cure any default on the mortgagor’s claim. Failure to comply with these provisions can result in sanctions. If a creditor is given notice of, and fails to file a proof of claim in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the creditor will not receive distribution of any assets.

While the failure to file claim in a Chapter 7 asset case will not affect a creditor's post-discharge status, if a creditor is given notice of, and fails to file a proof of claim in a Chapter 13 case, the debt will discharge if debtor receives a discharge order (unless the debt is taxes or student loans, which are otherwise non-dischargeable).

If a creditor is not given notice of a bankruptcy, the creditor can file a late proof of claim in either a Chapter 7 or 13. Security interests and liens will pass through a bankruptcy, even if the underlying debt discharges, unless the court specifically orders a lien to be set aside. Debtors must file a notice of intent for any secured collateral they possess at the time their bankruptcy petition is filed. This must be done within 45-days of the 341 hearing. Debtor can surrender collateral, redeem collateral for its fair market value on the date of the bankruptcy petition, or reaffirm the underlying debt that is secured by the collateral.

Avoidance Actions

Trustees (and sometimes debtors) can file avoidance actions to set aside liens, demand turnover of preferences (as discussed earlier), and set aside fraudulent transfers of property. Generally, liens pass through any bankruptcy, regardless of whether or not the underlying debt is discharged. However, judicial liens can be avoided under specific circumstances (except for nonpossessory, nonpurchase money liens on household goods, tools of the trade or professionally prescribed health aids).

Statutory liens cannot be avoided. Lien avoidance differs from lien stripping, insofar as lien stripping avoids even voluntary liens if there is no value in collateral for the lien to attach (with the exception of mortgages on debtor’s principal residence, as mentioned earlier). In addition to lien avoidance and lien stripping, a trustee can avoid a bank security interest if the creditor failed to properly perfect the security interest (e.g., UCC-1 statement that fails to identify the debtor correctly). Trustees can avoid fraudulent transfers, which generally follow the laws of the state where the transfer was made. VI. Dischargeability of Debts The goal of a consumer bankruptcy is generally to obtain a discharge of all dischargeable debts. The discharge is a statutory injunction against the commencement or continuation of an action to collect, recover, or offset a debt. Generally, it eliminates a debtor’s legal obligation to pay a debt.

However, there are several exceptions to the bankruptcy discharge , which include: 1) Domestic support obligations; 2) Taxes; 3) Student Loans unless debtor can show undue hardship/inability to repay ; 4) Criminal fines, penalties, forfeitures or criminal restitution obligations; 5) Personal injury or death resulting from an accident while intoxicated; 6) Debts not properly listed in Chapter 7 asset or Chapter 13 cases; 7) Debts deemed non-dischargeable; and 8) Debts owed to certain retirement plans for certain types of loans to these plans.

Category: Bankruptcy, Debt Collection


David H. Relkin, Esq.的更多文章

