Credit where Credit is due.
Suzuki Alto, Injection/Carburation, Engine Capacity: 996cc, Number of cylinders: 3cyl Fuel type: Premium Unleaded Petrol
Fuel tank capacity: 35L, Fuel consumption: 5.2L/100km (combined) (consevative) I find more like 4 litres / 100 km, Maximum torque: 90Nm, Maximum power: 50kW
I bought my Alto New in 2013. Paid cash for $12k.
Serviced it at 1k, 50k, 150k, 250k and nearly completed 300k for about $200-$300 per service. (Completed mainly by myself)
Runs of an oily rag and costs less than $250 for a set of tyres every 50-70k. I drive it like I stole it and have Driven from the East Coast to the West Coast and back on 4 occasions. I have been rear ended and rear ended some one and repairs costs where next to nothing.
The Suzuki Alto was the most fuel efficient, cost effective and most reliable car on the market in Australia. Unfortunately, no one in Australia bought it and now it is unavailable. I have never had a single problem with my Alto or had any unscheduled down time and the services are easily completed by myself in my back yard. This vehicle still has its original battery.
My Alto has a bigger following than me.
Mazda BT-50 Injection/Carburation, Engine Capacity: 3196cc, Number of cylinders: DT5, Fuel type: Diesel, Fuel tank capacity: 80L, Fuel consumption: 8.4L/100km (combined) (More Like 12L/100km Maximum torque: 470Nm, Maximum power: 147kW
I bought my BT-50 New in 2015 for 30k cash. The motor failed, blew up and caught on fire before it was 12 months < 20k old.
It mainly gets used for around the farm and to feed the cattle and very rarely leaves the local area of our farm.
Before 50k it had massive hose failure and I had problems getting Mazda to take responsibility.
Radiator Hose (15-17Z (No.1)) split causing coolant to empty.
Action Taken:
1. Removed Fuel Filter Housing to gain access to hose.
2. Removed faulty hose and replaced with new hose and clamps.
a. Replacement Cost $95.00 Aus
b. Faulty hose had excess amounts of oil on and around it.
c. Faulty hose seemed expanded or swelled from pressure.
3. Added coolant.
4. Replaced fuel filter.
5. Drained Oil, changed oil filter and filled with new oil.
a. Oil didn’t appear to have water in it.
6. Changed air filter while going.
7. Cleaned motor at Car wash.
This vehicle has a history of complete engine failure due to faulty Oil Cooler. Previous motor and entire coolant system needed replacing as a result. Motor replaced at 24,000 km at 12 months old.
1. Inspect, pressure test and report on Oil Cooler - NO DTCS Stored and Engine data. Physical Inspection required.
2. Inspect, pressure test & report on EGR Cooler (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) - OK
3. Inspect, pressure test & report on motor. (Test the head gasket is still ok.) – OK, NO DTCS Stored and Engine data
After a lot of arguing, frustrated phone calls and legal threats Mazda finally agreed to reimbursed me all my costs.
Today before the Mazda reached 100k the battery died. Another $245.............