Credit Problems?
Fazil Kazmy CeMAP. CII ER1
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Mr Stone had three small defaults registered for £60 - 80 last month due to a dispute with his mobile phone provider as well as a £1000 CCJ registered 10 months ago. This occurred due to Mr Stone falling ill and being unable to work for a period of time meaning he could not meet all of his credit payments. He returned straight back to work once recovered and has made all payments without any further issues.
Lender could see he had maintained payments since returning to work so they were happy to support him. They ignore CCJ's/Defaults under £300 regardless of how recent they are and they don't credit score.
- Debt Management Plans accepted and can remain
- CCJ's/Defaults under £300 or over 3 years ignored, even if registered within the last 3 months
- CCJ's/Defaults over 3 years ignored
- All Telecommunication CCJ’s/Defaults ignored
- Up to 4 Defaults and 3 CCJ's within the last 3 years, none in the last 6 months
If you have a case you would like to discuss, please get in touch with u son 07950 175666