The article is focused on developing real-time fraud detection using Spark Structured Streaming and Streaming Analytics.
The data pipeline is shown above. Steps are outlined below. Detailed codes are shared in Github -
Streaming Multi-Hop Archtecture
- Multi-hope pipeline – processing data in successive stages called Bronze, Silver and Gold. A single or all stages can be used depending on business use case
- Bronze – these tables contain raw data ingested from various sources i.e., JSON files, RDBMS data, IoT data, etc.
- Silver – it provides more refined view of the data using any transformation logic, for example, adding new columns, joining with static table etc.
- Gold – operation like data aggregation is accomplished at this level suitable for reporting and dashboarding, for example, daily active website users, weekly sales per store, or gross revenue per quarter by department etc.
Notebook Setup
- It will run the init script to generate userhome path
- Subsequently, we create data storage and streaming checkpoint location
- Reset mode will cleanup existing and generate userhome path, database (HIVE metastore) name etc.
- Clean up mode will remove all data in userhome dbfs location and the database
Load Machine Learning Model Pipeline
- Load the saved model in DBFS using ML Pipelines
Streaming Data Simulator
- Previous genered raw data (create df-to-json script) was loaded to a Filestore location
- JSON files containing raw data is copied to the streaming path
- This data will be subsequently ingested by the readStream
Ingest raw data
- Bronze stage will read JSON as a text file and the data will be kept in the raw form
- Spark DataFrame API is used to set up a streaming read, once configured, it will be registered in a temp view to leverage Spark SQL for transformations
Ingest Data with Auto Loader
- Databricks Auto Loader is used for streaming raw data from cloud object storage
- Configuring Auto Loader requires using the?cloudFiles?format
- It is done by replacing file format with?cloudFiles, and add the file type as a string for the option?cloudFiles.format
Bronze stage transformation
- Encoding the receipt time and the name of the dataset will provide flexibility to use a same bronze table for multiple purpose and pipelines
- This multiplex table design replicates the semi-structured nature of data stored in most data lakes
Write Streaming output using Delta Lake
- Write a streaming output to a Delta Lake table
- outputMode is append meaning add only new records to output sink
- Location of a?checkpoint?directory is specified
- The purpose?checkpoint?is to stores the current state of the streaming, if stops and resumes, will continue from where it left off
- Without checkpoint directory streaming job will resume from scratch
- In this demo, streaming job have its own checkpoint directory
Silver stage transformation
- In the first silver stage transformation, we will use transactions dataset and parse the JSON payload
- JSON payload is parsed enforcing the schema
More transformation in silver stage
- In second silver stage transformation, we will modifiy the data to match with the training dataset
- It involves adding transaction and hour column
- Drop columns not required for the model to work i.e., isFlag
Apply machine learning model
- Read the stream
- The logistic regression classification model developed and saved previous is applied to the streaming data
- In this case, we kept nameOrig column (customer who started the transaction) to trace back and notify if predicted fraud
Display model output
- Last four columns of the table provide model outputs in terms of:
- features used for prediction
- Raw prediction (logits in this case)
- Probability of obtaining each class
- And finally, the prediction, in terms of 0 and 1, here 1 being the predicted fraud transaction