Credit Card Insurance
Mark Williams
Insurance Law Specialist | Public Liability | Professional Indemnity | Life Insurance | Defamation Lawyer
Hi all. Found an excellent article that I am sure many will relate to. Hope you get something useful out of this…
Protect yourself against financial stress no matter what life deals you with Credit Card Insurance
What is Credit Card Insurance?
Credit Card Insurance can help you cover your credit card repayments when injury, illness or involuntary unemployment means you can’t.
And if the worst should happen and you pass away, Credit Card Insurance can pay off the balance of your credit card – so your loved ones won’t be left with your debt.
Who should consider it?
If you have a credit card, Credit Card Insurance is something to consider. Generally, this type of insurance is useful if you have a credit card and are concerned about paying the outstanding amount if you are unable to work and do not have the financial means or another form of insurance protection to cover your credit card repayments.
How it works
While Credit Card Insurance products may differ, most will ensure your credit card outstanding balance will be paid off if you are unable to work due to an illness or injury, diagnosed with cancer, have a stroke/heart attack or you become involuntarily unemployed through no fault of your own - up to the maximum limits of the policy.
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