Credit Card generator help!!!!!?

Credit Card generator help!!!!!?

okay so i was just fooling around and went on thosrandom site where it says find girl a girlin your area made a account and stuff used a fake email then when it asked me to verify your credit card but it wont charge you anything i just went to google and typed in credit card generator clicked the first link and jut copied and pasted thinking it wouldnt work it worked no I am freaking it it said it wouldnt charge the credit card anything but idk if it actually did I put a fake nam and used this website help i am only 15 :(

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions. SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET


Should I Pay Off My Auto Loan or Credit Card Debt First?

I have $4000 cash right now that I want to pay off some of my debts but I am not sure if I should pay off my car loan or credit card debt first. The balance for the credit card is $6000 ( 8.99% APR for $4000, and 0% APR for $2000) However, for any amount that I pay toward to the account will pay for the 0% APR balance first) My Auto Loan's balance is $2800. (APR: 3.99%) Because I haven't paid the auto loan off, I have to get a full coverage insurance, which is $178.00 a month. If I paid off the loan, I don't have to a get full coverage, and I can save about $90.00/month. Which option is better for the long term? and which option would help me increase my credit score? I appreciate your advice. Thanks!"

"Poll: What's your favorite Free Credit Report"" song?"""

1.) The one with pirate hats in a restaurant. 2.) Dream Girl"" in the parents apartment. 3.) The one in the car (my favorite) 4.) One where the guy is riding a bike 5.) ""Party Hard rock star"" (setting: at a party) 6.) Medieval song (also a favorite) 7.) Singing on a rollercoaster :) 8.) ""New Cell Phone"" song 9.) ""Reno"" (cowboy one)"""

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Filed bankruptcy, now how to stop wage garnishment?"

My bankruptcy petition was filed last week but my paycheck this week was garnished for 20% of my wages. My lawyer is not in the office today and I don't know how to go about stopping this garnishment. I need it stopped as soon as possible because that 20% they are taking was the money I used to buy food and gas for the week. I have my bankruptcy case number, but I don't know where to go from there. Who can I call or notify so my wages are not garnished my next paycheck? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!"

I wanna check my credit score. Which website do you recommend to get scores from all 3 bureaus??

I wanna check my credit score. Which website do you recommend to get scores from all 3 bureaus??

"Owner carrying home loan I can't afford anymore, can I file bankruptcy on this loan?"

I purchased a house in 2006 for 112k, today I owe 110k however the value of the home is around 100k. I have had to take pay cuts to keep my job from 50k annually to 32k, just another victim of the economy. Now it appears I may get laid off. I own a home that I bought 3 months ago that I live in (no equity) and the other home is a investment property(this being the 110k home in question). It's getting extremely hard to keep up with family care, existing debt, and payments for both homes (tenant in place however still coming out of pocket $220 monthly).It looks like I may have to look into bankruptcy. Any advice is appreciated thank you in advance :)"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Good credit card with high limit for people with bad credit???

i dont have good credit but i need a credit card with a limit of 1000 dollars perferably, whats a good card to get that will approve me for that limit????"

Can you get two payday loans with two different companies ?

Can you get two payday loans with two different companies ?

What does it mean when you max out a credit card? What can it do to your credit?

Can anyone explain this to me? I will give points to best answer. I just need to know this because I'm thinking about getting a credit card. I know that some of you will say don't do it"" but I have decided to get one."""

"I want to buy something online but my parents wont let me use their credit card, what do i do?

So there are these shoes that I would like to buy online for my upcoming prom. They are under 100$ so they arent pricey but my parents wont let my use their credit card and unfortunately i dont have one. My parents wont actually be paying for them as I will pay them in cash but i just need a card so what can i do? Im 15 so does that mean i can register to get even like a debit card oorrrr? Please answer! x

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Does anyone know of any other companies like cashcall and thinkcash that offer loans that aren't payday loans?

Does anyone know of any other companies like cashcall and thinkcash that offer loans that aren't payday loans?

Is it good to use equifax (debit wise)?

Is it good to use equifax (debit wise)?

When you pay off all your debts does your credit rating go back to normal?

I am just wondering how credit ratings work, and if you payed of your debts does it go back to normal? Help would be much appreciated."

How long does an online credit card payment take to process?

I am way before the due date for the minimum payment, however I wanted to make payments on my credit card balance so I can clear the balance and be able to spend on my credit line again. So I made a payment of 3/4 my balance on 12/22 which was a Sunday, and I understand it won't be processed until 5pm EST today, 12/23. However it's past that and my accounts have not been updated. I paid through my checking account as well, and those balances have not been updated either. How long do you think it will take so I can use my credit card again?"

What is the best type of credit card for me to have? I'm just a dude with a frugal lifestyle that only needs it for emergencies?

What is the best type of credit card for me to have? I'm just a dude with a frugal lifestyle that only needs it for emergencies?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Where can i find a graph that shows credit scores?

Where can i find a graph that shows credit scores?

I was not accepted for a student credit card by Chase?!?

First off, My Take On It""... That was disrespectful and completely unnecessary. You must have something against people who are doing better than you financially and that's not a healthy outlook on life. This question wasn't a way to attack you insecure people"

"I overpaid the bankruptcy court. They gave me a refund of the overpayment, is this taxable.?"

I overpaid the bankruptcy court. They gave me a refund of the overpayment, is this taxable.?"

"What happens, after 7 years, if your credit card debt has been charged off, and sent into collections?"

I have old credit card debt! I haven't paid in 7 years.-And nobody contacts me anymore.I am not proud of it, and realize I need to do something about it. I got a credit report online from Equifax. It showed no debt. Just one card that was in good standing.What's up with that? I was hoping to get the names of the card I owe to try to clear up some of the debt.Surely the debt doesn't go away!Should or Can I just try to rebuild my credit?What do I do?"

Auto loan payoff amount higher than current balance?

The outstanding balance on my auto loan is $13,591, however the payoff amount as of today is $13,706. I've made eight payment thus far, and my interest rate is 6.14%. Shouldn't the payoff amount be less than my outstanding balance?"

What would be the best place for a private party auto loan?

I don't have the best credit but I found a car I really want through a private seller. Anyone know of a good place to get a loan so I could buy privatly?

Can I perpetually pay two credit cards with each other?

Can I pay off my credit card this month with my other credit card and then pay off that card with the originally mentioned card next month? Keep going back and forth indefinitely? This seems like a quick, free way to build credit, no? Would HSBC Master Card be hip to the fact that the payment was coming from a Bank of America Visa charge account and deem this a balance transfer? Whats up with these silly corporations?"

Credit Card generator help!!!!!?

okay so i was just fooling around and went on thosrandom site where it says find girl a girlin your area made a account and stuff used a fake email then when it asked me to verify your credit card but it wont charge you anything i just went to google and typed in credit card generator clicked the first link and jut copied and pasted thinking it wouldnt work it worked no I am freaking it it said it wouldnt charge the credit card anything but idk if it actually did I put a fake nam and used this website help i am only 15 :(

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions. SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET

Anyone tried Ross Dalby's winning in the cash flow business?

I'm thinking of buying the system and wanted to know if anyone out there has tried it already and could explain how it works...

Will debt settlement crash my credit score?

Has anyone ever used this? I have quite a heavy load of debt and want to consolidate to reduce fees, etc. Has anyone ever heard of these guys: APEX FINANCIAL SERVICES DEBT SETTLEMENT PROGRAM Smart, easy and proven alternative to bankruptcy! Debt Settlement REDUCES your debt by as much as 40% to 75%! You could be debt free in as little as 12-36 months. Our negotiators have settled millions in consumer debt. Please let me know if you've had any experience or have any advice. I have about 5 revolving credit lines (including car insurance, etc.) and want to consolidate all to one account, or use the service I mentioned above. Any advice is appreciated!"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Can people find out you have insurance through drivers license?

I just got a bill from my insurance company for charges that were added a year ago. It was from Planned Parenthood and I told them I didn't have insurance and some how they found out that I did and billed me a four hundred dollar bill. I am just wondering how could they have found out that I have insurance through my drivers license and birth certificate. Is that even possible? If someone could how that is possible or what not, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Why do auto loan lenders put a limit on mileage and car year?

I recently tried to finance a 2003 vehicle and some lenders said it is too old for them to finance. Although I was approved by a different lender, I am curious, What does the age of the car or the mileage it has got to do with them? The car will be mine anyway. Does choosing a new one make me a lesser risk?"

Does anyone have a phone number for I tried to pull my credit report and s/o has pull

my credit report. I need a customer service #, Please help this was the 1st time I have ever went online to pull my credit report."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Birth and death rates in Las Vegas!!!! Quickly!!!!?

HELP TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Which home loan is best-HDFC or ICICI?

Which home loan is best-HDFC or ICICI?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Have you ever used a cash advance Payday Loan....?

If you did, what was your experience like and were the fees or interest high? Need advice fast please!"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Should i use a credit card teaser rate to pay down an auto loan?

The balance of auto-loan is $12K. 6.59%. My savings account is 5.05%. I received a mailing from the bank/credit card yesterday that I am considering, and I would like your advice. The promotion is 2.99% APY on anything you use the attached checks for (the balance goes onto my credit card). The interest rate is effective for as long as the balance exists. The catch is that there is an upfront finance charge of 3% of the amount of the check. I think this is a common promotion, so please let me know if Im forgetting any important details. I currently have a balance of about $750 on this card that is at 2.99% from another promotion. My available credit is $9,250. Heres the question: What would be the risk of using one of these promotional checks to pay off a large amount of the principal on my auto loan? Concerns: How does the credit card card company determine my minimum payment?"

"Does checking your credit score, make it it go down?"

if i have bad credit and checking my credit score, does it make it worse? i heard this and i don't know if its true"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Is 7.5% a fair interest rate? It is a home loan for $450,000.00, fixed for 30 years, 100% financed.?"

I appreciate all of the great answers so far. To add more detail - I can afford the payment, and have a realistic expectation of a payment including insurance, taxes, etc. I am young and this is my first home purchase, so I will be working another 30 years. Does being a first time buyer affect interest rate?"

I filed bankruptcy but didn't reaffirm my home loan if i do a loan modification is that reaffirming the loan?

I filed bankruptcy but didn't reaffirm my home loan if i do a loan modification is that reaffirming the loan?

What's the best financial institution to get an auto loan from?

I am currently working and making 9.50/hr (30-40 hrs/week). I have a student loan and another loan under 4,000 that I'm slowly paying off. Unfortunately my car decided to take a crap on me and I need to be able to finance a newer vehicle. Where's the best place to get an auto loan from? I've tried my personal credit union and it's rather outrageous. Or better yet, any ideas on a smart way to get a newer vehicle would be great. Thanks in advance!"

Canadian border services training?

I'm very interested in becoming a border officer, does anyone have any tips and advice for me? can i apply and receive a student loan during my training?"

Macroeconomics homework!!?

Jay and Joyce meet George, the banker, to work out the details of a mortgage. They all expect that inflation will be 2 percent over the term of the loan, and they agree on a nominal interest rate of 6 percent. As it turns out, the inflation rate is 5 percent over the term of the loan. a. What was the expected real interest rate? b. What was the actual real interest rate? c. Who benefited and who lost because of the unexpected inflation?"

Fastest way to Build Credit for an 18 year old?

need credit for an auto loan...all options and ideas are welcomed!!! how fast would i be able to get an auto loan of around 35k??? how would i co-sign something...and what/how does that help?...

"If I get a auto loan for 10,000$?"

Lets say with an 8% interest rate my monthly payments are 202.76 for 60 months. So if I overpayed that monthly payment would it reduce my monthly payment or just the time? Fro example instaead of paying 202.76 one month i paid 1,000 would that reduce the 5 year loan? or the would the payment lower? or can you evn over pay it? Thank you im looking at getting a new(used) car soon"

What happened to the mormons during the holocaust?

oh okay thanks so much guys :D

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Credit Card generator help!!!!!?

okay so i was just fooling around and went on thosrandom site where it says find girl a girlin your area made a account and stuff used a fake email then when it asked me to verify your credit card but it wont charge you anything i just went to google and typed in credit card generator clicked the first link and jut copied and pasted thinking it wouldnt work it worked no I am freaking it it said it wouldnt charge the credit card anything but idk if it actually did I put a fake nam and used this website help i am only 15 :(

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions. SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET


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