Source: Bepace


Trying to make your business more #compliant? Turn to the Bepace points system!

If you’re looking to make your business more compliant and #regulatory-friendly, there can be a lot to consider. Does it meet all #financialstandards? Can it operate on international markets? While you are computing this, there is also a range of different #certifications in various categories; official numbers mention at least 2,000 patents related to digital trust filed annually between 2015 and 2022. This can certainly make it even more difficult to determine exactly what you need to look out for. While these #digitallabels are excellent, none of them fully encompass what it means for a business to be compliant and trustworthy in all its varieties.

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This is where the Bepace Certification and Trust Index comes in: a prominent example of internationally-recognized certification developed through a multi-stakeholder approach and upon existing standards, among others such as #ISO and #gdpr.?For the uninitiated, Bepace is a #swisscompany that aims to make it simpler for mission-driven businesses to satisfy all compliance and regulatory goals, financial and marketing performance criteria, and demonstrate transparency.

Bepace uses a detailed #accreditation process, where a company’s performance is assessed on a points system and measured against several key categories, with points needed to be received. An exam is required, which includes several questions (depending on a company’s size and sector) regarding how the business operates. The process highlights the areas for development, providing a clear roadmap for improvements and the positive financial and regulatory changes that should be implemented. However, our revolutionary Bepace Ecosystem, achieved by synthesizing precise and actionable solutions, gets you certified with the Trust Index and the Certification Label in only?four easy steps. Getting a Bepace certification is not a one-time action, a business needs to re-certify and keep or improve its score every year. This ensures process quality and customer trust on an ongoing basis.

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Our Trust Index specifically assesses the impact your business has on its market, industry, customers, and value offer. It is based on the results of our unique online examination, which awards points between 5 and 100. The initial step in this procedure is to research your company and look over the data given. Following that, we provide an appropriate Bepace Trust Index using a clear scale system of 1 to 5 stars based on the quality of the received data and our analysis, and then issue a one-year Bepace Trust Certificate in Bronze, Silver, or Gold. Also, a Bepace Certified Corporation becomes a member of the Bepace Ecosystem and can access for free a variety of further online services.

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Our certification allows you to stay at the top of your compliance game and helps your customers spot your business as a brand that has an incredible ethos and is continually striving to do things better: for its product, its customers, and the people within the company.?

To help you identify the brands that already meet compliance and regulatory standards, visit our Bepace Business Directory. From #fintech, #gaming, and #gambling to #crypto exchange and #ecommerce, we’ve got you covered.?

Trust in the digital world is quite a complex issue. It is not limited to privacy and security concerns. A digital Trust Label and other digital Business Certifications are the opportunity to stay closer to your clients. For more info, contact [email protected] or visit

Read about this topic more:

Business Certification- why is trust important

Key certification benefits



