CredentialCheck Outlines What Pre-Employment Drugs Tests Are and What to Expect
It’s normal to be a little apprehensive about taking a drug test, especially when job eligibility is on the line. CredentialCheck, a nationwide job candidate screener, explains the basics you should know before taking a pre-employment drug test.
?At its most basic, a pre-employment drug test is exactly what it sounds like. As a condition for a job offer, applicants are asked to undergo testing to demonstrate whether they have recently used certain substances. Many employers implement this screening step to ensure workplace safety; in fact, it is required in some industries where safety is especially important, such as construction and transportation. Applicants have the right to decline employer drug screening, but the employer likewise has the right to refuse a job on that basis.
Many job applicants wonder what exactly the drug test is looking for and how far back the results go. The answer is that it’s complicated; employers can tailor the testing to suit their particular purposes. Candidates may ask their prospective employer for the details of what their employee drug testing covers. Some commonly screened substances include:
Depending on the type of screening being conducted, applicants may be asked to give urine, hair, blood, or saliva specimens. Urine testing is the most common specimen type for regulated drug tests, like those for the Department of Transportation. It is an affordable option, but it only detects substance use within five to ten days. Hair tests, on the other hand, can detect substance use within up to 90 days. Applicants should ensure they understand what kind of specimen will be taken before undergoing a test.
To learn more about pre-employment drug testing, contact CredentialCheck at (888) 689-2000. Details about their screening services for employers are available online as well. They are based in Troy, Michigan, and serve clients nationwide.