Creatures in Time...
Is the world round?
Is the wheels on your car round?
Does the seasons go around in a clockwise motion?
So why would you think that your life is not going to have 4 seasons?
Spring – Summer – Autumn – Winter
Have you ever noticed that a circle is the only shape that can move forwards or backwards?
It’s a shape of movement…
It moves in the direction it’s tilted towards…
Where is your life tilted? Forwards or backwards?
Or are you stuck going to and fro?
Does history repeat itself?
Are Global economics cyclical?
Does technology move in a perpetual motion forward towards destroying itself through every human breakthrough in advancement?
Are you aimlessly caught up in the cycles of life? Going around in cycles?
Are you advancing in a forward trajectory?
What’s emerging here?
What was the world like in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90, 2000’s, 2010’s?
What will the world be like in the 2020’s?
Will we still be here?
See, time will always move forward, it never goes backwards. It’s on a perpetual motion forward to fulfillment. Time will fulfill its purpose, regardless of you and in spite of you. Regardless what any person deceives you into believing or worse still what you deceive yourself into believing. Even with all your so-called might, wisdom, prudence and knowledge you can never change the purpose of time. Whatever you end up doing in life, you only end up fulfilling, time’s purpose. There has never been a human being born on this earth that has ever changed the purpose of time. EVERY HUMAN BEING BORN HAS ONLY FULFILLED THE PURPOSE OF TIME.
So, what is the purpose of a human life?
It is merely to fulfill the purpose in that moment of time…
See time has a beginning, and anything with a beginning has an end…
So, we know then with absolute certainty that time will end…
Conclusion – We are all just creatures in time. Find your position in life, and stop deluding yourself into believing you can change the world or the purpose of time, as you only end up deluding yourself and fulfilling times purpose…