Usually, we are so busy and focused on what needs to get done that day, we don’t notice that we are not alone on this planet. Are there ETs among us??Not sure about that but I do know we are surrounded by creatures of all kinds. So, I’ve made it a point to notice.
??When I wake up I look outside to see who’s there, Every once in a while, I’ll see a deer and if I’m very lucky I’ll see a doe with her fawns. They are skittish and alert, move quickly and are unbelievably beautiful and graceful.
??By afternoon, the fishing brigade appears. Well, not a brigade exactly but a great blue heron or an egret, stalking unsuspecting fish. They will stay in position, watching until it’s time to strike and they never seem to make a mistake in their aim.
??There is a sinister character in this plot. An alligator calls the pond home. I watch him grow in length. He’s about two feet long now, hopefully before he reaches what appears to me to be gigantic proportions he will leave this small pond. But I watch to make sure none of the heron are here when he surfaces.?However, the other day, a smaller species of heron was fishing in the pond and seemed to notice the alligator and began walking toward it. In panic I raced outside clapping my hands and calling out and he flew away. Crisis averted! But I continue to watch.
??When it’s sunny the turtles leave their watery home and bask in the sun on the banks of the pond. They will eventually move, but slowly, as they follow the sun.
??Of course, there are squirrels. You can hear them chattering to one in other, either relaying the latest news or protesting they own the territory another is daring to claim. No one can dispute they are amazing acrobats as they jump from branch to branch always in a hurray and never missing their destination.
??Occasionally, there are buzzards, and we know why they are there, but I guess everyone has a right to be here and they also have to eat to survive, but I always feel sad for whomever is deceased.
??On days with wind, I can look up and see the hawks riding the thermals, so graceful and I’m sure they are having a great time. Sort of like hang gliding is for humans, I imagine.
??As you can see, we are not alone on this planet by any means. We are surrounded by wildlife even in cities. But as we keep building there is no place for these creatures to go. Animals have a place they claim as home and they stay here even when it becomes overrun with humans. It’s their instinct to be there. For creatures who are supposed to be more intelligent, humans don’t seem to understand what they are doing to the other creatures who live amongst them. I can hear from the heavy equipment just beyond the trees they are building more housing, moving the animals away from their forest home. Someone has put deer repellent on the rose bushes because the deer are eating them. I’m sure the deer would have preferred their favorite trees, but, you see they have been cut down to make way for more human habitat. So, instead of learning how to build and leave space for animals, humans continue to blame the animals for encroaching on their living space. But, the animals were here first. That should count for something, some consideration. An intelligent species, humans are very slow learners. Time is running out. I hope we learn soon.
Who is sharing your planet?
Dianne J. Shaver, M.A.