Creators Hit the Newsroom, Freelance Track at University?, A Better Work-Life Awaits "Out of Office"? and More...

Creators Hit the Newsroom, Freelance Track at University?, A Better Work-Life Awaits "Out of Office" and More...

Approximately 60 million independent workers in the United States represent $1.5 trillion in U.S. GDP and growing. Projections estimate that 50% of our U.S. workforce will be independent workers by 2025- 2030. The Gig Economy represents a trend that will digitally transform the future of work.

I believe that?every organization?in?every industry?needs a Gig Economy strategy. Not having one in 2021 is like missing the internet trend in 1990 or the mobile revolution in 2010.

The Freelance Revolution

The rise of independent contractors and globalization of knowledge work is the Industrial Revolution of our time. We can see the U.S. workforce undergoing a massive and structural change everywhere we look.

Why Not A Freelance Or Solopreneur Track At University? ?-?As 2021 comes to a close, I've been thinking about the role of formal education in the growth of the freelance revolution. Two recent articles helped me identify what I see as a gap in how our universities prepare interested professionals for freelance career success. Why don't universities offer a specific, formal curriculum geared to helping students succeed as full- or part-time freelancers.

Work As We Knew It Is Ending. The Remote, Freelance Revolution Has Begun ?-?The labor market is fractured, and the economy is volatile. COVID-19 caused millions of people to leave the workforce for various reasons, including health concerns and family caregiving. Now a secondary wave of burnout and reevaluation has hit the workforce, leading to the ongoing?Great Resignation ?during which millions of American workers have quit their jobs. This has created?record labor shortages , especially in areas like I.T., software engineering, and healthcare.

The Freelance Revolution Has A Supply Problem, Not A Demand Problem ?-?The freelance revolution has a supply problem. You might not think so by just reading the headlines. Upwork reported the U.S. as having?almost 60 million freelancers .?McKinsey & Co research ?estimated that by 2025, "Online talent platforms could raise global GDP by up to $2.7 trillion and increase employment by 72 million full-time-equivalent positions." Nevertheless, without significantly increasing the participation of full-time freelancers, this revolution won't reach escape velocity anytime soon.

De-Uberization? Food Delivery Apps Opt For Employees Over Gig Economy ?- Startups that offer to deliver groceries in less than 15 minutes have learned from the past and are hiring full-time employees, even if they need temporary workers to meet demand.

The Creator Economy?

The Creator Economy has many similarities to the sharing and gig economies in 2012-2015. Independent talent, technology platforms, and hype. All are driven by the dream of making a living by doing what you love. At over $100B+ the creator economy is just getting started.

Newsrooms stop mocking the creator economy and start learning from it ?-?Many of us are relieved to say goodbye to the confusing year that was 2021. But with a return-to-normalcy date still TBD (thanks to the coronavirus variants), 2022 looks to be just as uncertain.

The Biggest Trends For 2022 In Creator Economy And Web3 ?-?A 2019 survey found that?29% of American children want to be YouTube stars ?when they grow up. Coveted professions from past generations, such as astronauts and professional athletes, have fallen on the list as the creator economy has gained momentum.

Here's Why The 'Creator Middle Class' Is So Important—And How We Strengthen It ?- YouTuber MrBeast has 71.6 million subscribers and is rumored to make?$24 million a year. ?That's pretty jaw-dropping, to be sure. But I'm more impressed by another figure:?two million , the number of professional online creators following their dreams and making enough of a living to produce content full-time. And that's only scratching the surface of the greater opportunity here: In total, more than?50 million people overall? are estimated to participate in the creator economy.??

The Hybrid Workplace

We see unprecedented numbers of companies implementing remote work programs. The way we work has forever changed and will require new skills and leadership approaches.

Surveillance is entering the workplace — even if your workplace is your home ?-?We're rapidly coming up on two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Working from home is mostly a plus for many: no more commute, no more coworker B.O. But your boss may still be looking over your shoulder.

A better work-life awaits "Out of Office" ?-?The authors of a new book argue that the shift to remote work holds the potential to change work life for the better.

The must-have technology and tools for your hybrid employees ?-?It's no longer "should we go to a hybrid work environment?" but "how do we make a hybrid environment work?" Now amid?The Great Resignation , a blend of remote and in-person work could be the key to survival, with a recent study from Harvard Business finding that?over 80% of professionals ?prefer a hybrid work environment. At the core of this is a company's ability to adapt digitally:?71% of businesses identified digitization?as the secret to surviving the pandemic, according to Salesforce's annual SMB report.

Apple delays return to offices indefinitely, gives all employees $1,000 ?-?Apple CEO Tim Cook emailed corporate employees on Wednesday to confirm the company is yet again delaying its return to offices. He also said Apple would give all employees $1,000 to spend on home office equipment.

Workplace Wellness?

We will spend one-third of our lives working, and the disruption to the way we work has never moved faster. This all can impact our overall wellness as we navigate the changing landscape and fight for balance.

?How a busy freelance writer reduced burnout and increased vacation time ?- Wondering how I went from cleaning up 25 pounds of spilled flour in between Zoom meetings and math lessons to surfing and reading on the beach?


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PAUL ESTES, the best-selling author of the best-selling book?Gig Mindset ?and is an unstoppable advocate for the simple idea of ensuring that all voices are heard and that all people have access to opportunity. This passion is inspired by the quote from the late?Leila Janah ?"Talent?is equally distributed,?opportunity is not."?Now is the time to address systemic?location bias ?and encourage companies to reach beyond their organizational boundaries to engage the world's best minds.??For 20 years, He struggled to balance his life with fast-moving leadership roles at Dell, Amazon, and Microsoft. He led a team of progressive H.R., procurement, and legal trailblazers to launch Microsoft's Gig Economy freelance program. Hiring his first virtual assistant transformed the way he lived and worked.

Paul is the former host of the Gig Mindset and Talent Economy podcasts. Each week, Paul provides insights and perspective to over 100,000 readers of his weekly LinkedIn newsletter, and he frequently shares his insights as a keynote speaker and panelist.?

gbemi tijani

regionaldirector south west at healthy living communications

2 年

Thanks for fishing out more scenarios & authentic update from digital companies like Apple already tacitly sharing the burden of work-from-home with $1000 each to her employees to equip and prepare to key in.Well -done for steady watch on labour epidemiology warranted more by the contagion called covid 19.#428/221221 #paulestes

Paul Estes

Exploring human potential in the age of AI | ex-Microsoft, Amazon, Dell, MURAL, MagicLeap

2 年


