Creativity vs Technology
As creatives and web specialists were often asked a myriad of technical questions at the start of projects. For years I have struggled conveying the importance of creativity vastly out ways any technical questions. The tech always does and always will come later. Surely we have to push to proceed, rather than simply using the technology that were comfortable working with today.
It was refreshing to read an interview with Rankin, who as a photographer I would have said needs a great deal of technical know how, however his response backs up my own views… perhaps it isn’t just designers and web developers that get these questions. It must be in all aspects of the creative world. I know artists are asked similar questions even when they are considered the best in the world in what they do.
Question proposed to Rankin
Is a fixed focal length lens of 85mm always best for portraiture?
Rankin replied
"I have no idea - it's always different. I'm the least interested in the technical aspects of photography out of all the photographers I know. I love it when people say, "your camera is so good" - it's not my camera. It's literally not! Cameras just capture light - the rest is about how you find that light, see that light, create that light."
Well said sir... well said.