Creativity and Spirituality: The Importance of True Self-Expression

Creativity and Spirituality: The Importance of True Self-Expression

Collectively, we’re here to break thru the veils of limitation, set by our minds and society standards, to build upon the world our ancestors made for us generations ago. To creatively express our knowledge, insight, and creative visions for our future. Whether that is through creative arts, activisms, craftsmanship, or innovative inventions. Even making herbalistic medicine, experimenting with chemistry, or creating an off-grid community. We’re always utilizing our creativity. Creativity is involved in every aspect of life and every step of conscious expansion. This is why it’s imperative we connect with our true creative self-expression. To find our purposes in life and reach our fullest potential. We need to celebrate our unique talents and create space for others to showcase their own. But most of us don’t. A lot of us lose touch with our connection to the universe and our truth throughout our childhoods. Unable to find it, we struggle with our identity and purpose, sometimes well into our adult years. A large collective of us aren’t taught the beauty of our diversities or the importance of genuinely loving, connecting and self-expressing. We are divided, pushed into small boxes, given limited choices and limited rights. Expected to follow rules, uphold standards, and learn to fit into society. We’re taught to hate ourselves and others. Taught to never question our superiors or be too curious. Taught that money and power hold a higher value than life to most. Learning at young ages what society thinks, how it views us and how it profits off our labor.

We see the true intentions of those in power and of those around us. As kids, subconsciously, we try to shelter ourselves from the harshness of our realities. Unknowingly, we create masks to hide beneath to survive the traumatic periods, situations, or people in our lives. ?Even to hide from ourselves, our true feelings, and desires. Getting lost in the sea of opinions, expectations, and set limitations. We’re swallowed up by our negative mindsets and the programed beliefs and mentality taught to us as children. Making us blind to our truth, losing parts of ourselves thru the years. Either trying to people please and fit into the “normal” spectrums in society or by becoming selfish, valuing only the physical wealth and monetary assets life has to offer. Dreaming of being comfortably rich without lifting a finger or trying to ride the pleasure-seeking waves. We stay within our comfort zones or egotistical mindsets by being reckless and self-centered or by repeating toxic cycles. Trying to uphold our family standards, even if they don’t align with our own values or core beliefs. Ultimately, we desire to feel loved, accepted and connected to those closest to us. But we also desire to be seen, heard, and accepted for who we truly are, not who we’re expected to be. When we’re younger we tend to put others’ expectations and standards above our own or we live solely for ourselves. This hinders our connection to our truth. Restricting us from hearing our souls voice, our intuition.

Sense our souls desire true love, acceptance, and connections to be whole and complete. We seek that love and acceptance out from others at a young age. We don’t realize at young ages that in order to truly gain love and acceptance from others. We must first genuinely love and accept ourselves, seeing our own worth and value, so others will too. But to do this we must be willing to step out of our box, the comfort zones we created as kids. Which is difficult, they’re ingrained into us. Our subconscious fears, doubts, and anxieties have heavy influence on us. Sometimes it has a blinding affect, where you can’t even see or acknowledge its influence for years. Weighing us down, making us revert back to old ways of thinking and toxic situations, limiting our progress. Which keeps those self-restrictions and limitations in our subconscious mind. Sabotaging our progress and connection to self. Without this connection to our true self, we lack creativity and individuality. We let our ego drive our avatar through life. Leaving us stuck wearing masks, living in toxic cycles. Living for only ourselves or solely for others, chasing dreams that aren’t ours. Trying to be someone that we’re not. Lacking love for ourselves or others, feeling completely disconnected from the world around us. Wondering why we’re even here at all and what we’re supposed to be doing with our lives? This puts us in a depressive, usually angry, stagnant state. At some point we realize the toxic cycles we’re in will only lead us to more misery and we crave true freedom. We must become mindful of our trauma and limiting belief systems so we can begin to heal, without this awareness we will remain stuck. ?

As we get older it’s our job to unlearn everything we think we know about ourselves and the world. To dive deeper into ourselves, rediscovering the truth, our truth, and find the missing link within. Our souls desire true meaning and purpose, a reason to fuel our existence in life. Our purpose is found within and when we focus on finding it. We begin to see and break down our mind’s toxic behaviors, negative patterns, and self-limiting beliefs. By breaking apart these subconscious limitations in our mind, we’re able to release them and reprogram our subconscious. As we explore the depths of our soul, we reconnect with our authentic creativity again. Helping us to re-align and harmonize our subconscious and conscious minds. Finally, giving ourselves space to listen and hear our souls voice, our intuition, clearly again. This is where our journey of healing and remembering begins. Where we start to see the deeper meaning of life and the truth of the universe around us. Giving us the freedom to reach our greatest potential.

Creativity gives us open outlets to clearly express our conscious insight, deepest feelings, and our creative visions. Our creative expression is the pursuit of our authentic self, our truth. By finding our truth and expressing our creativity thru our many talents. We will inspire each other to share and expand on our different perspectives of life. Giving us a more in-depth view into our soul’s true desires and our visions for our future. Showing us what changes need to be made within ourselves and as a collective to begin making progress towards developing our conscious and creative ideas. Creativity helps connect our subconscious and conscious minds so we’re able to see our thoughts and visions clearly. Allowing us to overcome our limitations and fears, so we can flow in a creative state. Giving us the abilities to fully express our truth and allow space for the divine to co-create alongside us. We become enveloped in the experience, losing track of time. Finally able to clearly understand and express our deepest truth and creative visions. Using our tools, our talents, and abilities to bring our ideas to life.

We begin to expand together by sharing our unique creative perspectives. Together we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and a sense of our unique purposes. This is the importance of true self-expression. To create space to learn and grow from each other, collectively. This is why we should give our children freedom to open up and express their truth. Let them make more choices and allow them to make mistakes free of judgment or criticism. This allows them to freely learn from and create their own path. Instead of being molded to fit the societal standards that suppress their truth and natural creative expression. We should give our kids more freedom and less restrictions. Allowing their wild spirit’s that creative freedom to express themselves fully. Collectively, when we share our souls’ creative insights, truth, and wisdom, we begin to guide each other. Creating connections that lead us to our purpose. Ultimately uplifting and inspiring each of us to create a better world. We begin to make true meaningful relationships and connections with others. As we understand and value ourselves, we begin to value others too. Recognizing the truth and meaning in life.

True self-expression is the key to openly expanding consciousness for soul growth. Without creativity we’d be unable to understand deeper aspect of self, of others, or the universe. Unable to express our insight, deepest feelings, or creative ideas. We’d be disconnected from our truth. Lacking knowledge and insight about the world around us. Nor would we ponder building a bigger, better one. Life would suck. We’d be stuck in survival mode, running on autopilot thru life. Our very reason for being is to learn, create, and experience life in its fullest glory, the highs, and the lows. We’re here to connect with our true authenticity, the authenticity of others, and with the truth of the universe. So, overtime, we can express our creativity and observations with each other. To expand our soul’s consciousness and grow as a collective whole.

We must give ourselves space to create and allow room to make mistakes, without judgement. By Learning to trust in your own creative abilities and creative process. Part of reaching our fullest creative potential is not letting our subconscious fears limit us. Which means learning to align and harmonize our light and dark energy, our minds. Creating and maintaining this balance of self keeps us connected with our truth and true creative potential. Understanding that to truly create one must release all limitations. By surrendering control and expectations over the outcome, we allow our creative vision to become what its meant to be. Simply be present and mindful in the moment of creating and allowing the vision to put itself together over time.

By allowing your intuition to guide you instead of just your logical mind. You speak from the depths of your soul instead of the surface of your mind. Giving you the freedom to truly create something remarkable. Nothing of great significance happens overnight. So stop worrying about f*cking it up and surrender to your process. Just flow with your creative idea, no restrictions or expectation. Don’t worry about each stroke given, word written, or block placed. It takes time, dedication, self-discipline, and patience for a creation to fully blossom. Relax and ride your own creative ebb and flow, trust in your divine timing. Perfection is an illusion, so get messy and make some mistakes. You’re going to feel a little rocky and emotional at times when things aren’t clear or coming together fast enough. Creative energy is chaos, its life and death. Its transformative by nature. That’s the beauty of creative energy, it’s a natural flowing force within. By trying to force or control its every step, we stop ourself from reaching our fullest potential.

It’s difficult to maintain a creative flow state when you’re trying force your creativity into a specific box or fit a certain narrative that’s not your own. Especially when we try to creative something that doesn’t speak to us. Give yourself creative freedom to further develop your ideas. The logical mind may want perfection and reason thru every step of the creation process. But the creative intuitive force inside demands freedom to fully express its truth and beauty. It’s time to act on your creative ideas to build our greatest future together. Our souls know our true passions and talents in life. We must simply learn to listen and trust our intuition, our inner voice, and learn to observe our life. Observe how the divine universe speaks to you. What signs or symbols show up daily, in different ways. What ideas or callings do you keep getting, or do you just know which direction to go? Nurture this phenomenal connection to your higher self and the divine. Take time to sit, listen, and acknowledge the signs given to you. That’s how you find it, that passion inside that fuels your very existence, your purpose and fulfillment.

So stop suppressing your creativity and resisting your truth. We’re here to create and expand further beyond the veils of limitations. You’re going to have growing pains, obstacles are placed to be overcome, so we may learn and grow. So, don’t give up, let your creative chaos flow! Your next big innovative idea could be the one that changes this world. Allowing us to reimagine our potential, our future, our very existence. It’s time to create a brighter future, pioneering the way for generations to come, long after our generation dies. True self-expression is what will change this world and show others the way. But It’s your choice to live in the matrix made for you or create a better one, what will you do?

I hope you recieved something of value from this article and I thank you for taking time to read it! If you have time feel free to check out my art studio!

Divine Origins Art Studio and Spiritual Blog – Joyofdivineorigin (

With much Love and Graditude



Divine Origins

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