

Principles of Creativity

Every person is creative. This creativity of every individual is composed of three main components.

1.   Expertise

Expertise basically encompasses the knowledge of a person. This means intellectual knowledge, procedural knowledge, technical knowledge all combined. Usually, it talks about all the knowledge a person has in a specific field, i.e., in his domain.

And expertise and creativity are closely related. While it is not important to have a creative side to attain expertise. Opposite side Creativity generally does demand some level of expertise.

2.   Creativity Thinking Skills

Another one of the Principles of Creativity is creative thinking. Creative thinking is associated with how one approaches a problem or difficult situation. It involves finding a unique and creative solution to any unanswered question or problem. It is basically “thinking outside the box”

New ideas, intelligent solutions, unique collaborations, and combinations all are a part of creative thinking. It exhibits the flexibility and imagination power of a person. Creative thinking is stimulated by both structured processes such as lateral thinking and unstructured processes such as brainstorming.

3.   Motivation

Motivation is the driving force behind an individual. It is the desire that pushes a person to initiate any action or behavior or sustain such behaviors as well.

 Creativity is not an easy process; it requires effort and hard work. If the person lacks motivation, he may give up easily without sufficient effort. But if a person is truly motivated and works towards his problems a creative solution can always be attained.

Intrinsic Motivation is the motivation that generates from within oneself.

Extrinsic Motivation: Such motivation originates in our external environment. Includes motives such as bonuses, rewards, promotions, prizes, etc.

Some important Insights:

1)    The intrinsic motivation –

Woody Allen is an American film director, writer, actor, and comedian whose career spans over six decades has declined all award ceremony invitations. He Quotes “It’s really almost impossible, to judge art, that it's so subjective, you can't really say, well, this performance is better than that or that writing is better than this and that, if you get caught in that trap of relying on other people, however great they are, to tell you whether you're any good, you're either going to consciously or subconsciously start playing to that group.

people will be most creative when they feel motivated primarily by the interest, satisfaction, and challenge of the work itself, not external pressures.


hobby is a regular activity that is done for enjoyment.

habit is a regular action or behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.

The key difference between hobby and habit is that a hobby is pursued consciously whereas a habit is often a subconscious act

All Habits are bad -Because habit means you are unconscious. -you're doing everything by prescription. This is called slavery.

all habits are bad you should have hobbies. Hobbies will cultivate creativity.

Creative people know it all too well that hobbies are not distractions but are complementary mental and emotional deeds that help us perform the core job better.

3)  Creativity is the ability of an individual to come up with novel and useful ideas, whereas

Innovation is the ability of a firm to commercialize novel concepts.

4)  “Choose your battles wisely. After all, life is not measured by how many problems you solved. Solve only the most, most, most important problem, let the rest go.”

5)    A person will not be remembered for how much fire fighting’s he has done in life, but he will be remembered for his Creativity.

Salim Pathan


3 年

Good article Rupesh. Keep it up ??

Riazuddin Mohammad

Portfolio Management | Equity Research | Macro Thinker | Quantitative Finance

3 年

Great article. I would like to throw one question. Can you train someone to be creative or how does one person become creative while others fail. Also, if someone is creative in one aspect of life, say work, will he be creative in others (like relationships, social behavior etc)

Raghavendra Dhople

Serial Entrepreneur | Story teller| Global Citizen | Leadership Expert

3 年

Wonderful article. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this one.


