Creativity and Internal Comms

Creativity and Internal Comms

Internal Communications doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

At its best Internal Comms can drive Strategy, Culture and Performance, but at its worst it is ignored, boring and irrelevant.

The first and biggest challenge is getting high quality content that people want to read and talk about. If you can crack that then most of your other internal comms problems, such as low readership levels and irrelevance will fade away.

I’ve been responsible for Internal Comms at various companies, and these are the things I’ve learnt and done that help make internal coms an asset to the business and something that adds value.

Get creative. Here are ten tips to get you on the way. They are simple but seldom done.

1. Create a Content Calendar for the year

Firstly, have an IC overall plan for the business. Secondly, make sure each internal Department has Internal Comms is part of their plan for the year ahead. Once you have a plan and messages you can schedule content and slots with them in advance.

This will greatly improve the flow of high-quality material. A simple plan will mean organising contributions and maintaining consistency is much easier. Nothing is a rush and people can prepare.

2. Establish clear Guidelines and make it easy.

Make content easy to get. Provide employees/teams with clear guidelines on the type of content you are looking for and have a simple form. Then go out and get it…. Stories and content will not come to you.

Once you have the basic info. You write it up, you not them. All you need are the facts, the story and some visuals. You, Copilot and Canva can do the rest.

3. Incentivise Contributions

Make it a pleasure not a pain. A simple thanks goes a long way, step up to a to a biscuit or coffee, and the ultimate is an actual prize. It does not matter what it is, just make it obvious that you appreciate others time and input.

The chances are only a select few people will regularly contribute valuable content, so treat them like royalty. Value them and appreciate their efforts and make it a super positive interaction.

4. Resources

For Internal Comms to make an impact you need to invest actual resources into doing it. That means time both yours and others. However, it needs to be someone’s day job, because Internal Comms doesn’t happen by magic.

If that’s not possible, support IC with a Consultant or freelancer. Great Internal Comms has a huge ROI, and can shift the needle in lots of areas, but you need to make a proper I before you get any R!

5. Use Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

Use Internal Comms to help improve technical awareness and the overall capability and competence of the whole organisation. Celebrate people’s unique skills and knowledge to show how valueable they are and their special contribution. The chances are these SMEs are unknown, unappreciated, and underutilised.

On a similar subject, use your Internal Comms as a gateway to access your wider Learning resources because if you want to be a learning organisation (why would you not) make access to learning as easy as possible.

6. Use Surveys and make them agents for change

Internal comms needs to be two way. Ask and gather ideas and feedback on topics or things that need changing. However, if you ask for ideas, you must then actively pursue them into reality.

When you people see change because of their feedback, it will drive further improvements and a genuine feeling of empowerment.

7. Create a Content Submission Portal

Again, this is about reducing input friction to a minimum, so content can flow in. Set up an easy-to-use portal where anyone can submit their content ideas and drafts. Make the process as simple and accessible as possible.

Don’t forget to include it as part of new starters inductions.

8. Highlight Success Stories

Success breeds success. Highlight successful projects, initiatives, or individual achievements within the company. This not only provides great content but also motivates others to share their stories.

Most people, most of the time do not share their successes, so you will need to go out and get them.

9. Make Internal Comms the go-to area

Make your Internal Comms area the place to go for key processes and tasks. Links and portals, expenses and holidays, CEO updates and the corporate diary. The more value you add, the more Internal Comms will be used.

If you find creating content that people want to read is hard, then go for content that they must read. ?The annual CEO update. Office opening times over Christmas, changes to expenses policies etc.

10. Leadership and visible leadership

The whole Senior Leadership Team should be involved. Communication is part of their core day job. This is unlikely to be a strength area, so you will need to provide help. Help them plan content in advance and then help them identify key messages, help them make it happen. Help them be seen, help them be visible and help get their messages out.

It makes Internal Comms Strategic and shows everyone that good communication is a business priority. The help you give out will be more than matched by the help you get back.


The audience and contributors: What’s in it for me?

Let’s be blunt. Career Advancement: Showcasing your work through internal comms can significantly boost your career. It increases your visibility, demonstrates your value, and associates you with success.

I’ve seen so many people fail to sell their successes even internally, let alone externally because they haven’t prioritised the final effort of capturing them and then communicating them.

If you think by doing a great job and letting it speak for itself is enough, you are wrong. It might be a strategy, but it’s a long way short from being either a good or even great one.

One last thing. Communication Channels: there are at least 30 options available to you. It’s a subject in its own right. Take real care when choosing how to get you message out and in what format. Is it a mug message? Is it a town hall meeting message? Is it an email message? Is it a poster message?

Mix it up and keep on stirring the pot. Be creative. After all its Internal Comms, use it as a place for Innovation and experimentation! What could possibly go wrong.

You never know, you might win an award for your Internal Comms.

??CTA – Int Coms. Want a quick win? ?Review your Internal comms against the 10 areas above and score how well you’re doing.


If you want help to raise your scores or any other aspects of Internal Comms, DM me or contact me via


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