LESSONS FROM THE INNOVATORS DILEMMA - By Clayton M., DAVID OGLIVY (both books), MAD MEN TV Show(Set in 1960s) & As you may have guessed it right from - Jeen-Yuhs?A KANYE WEST TRILOGY

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I firmly believe everyone of us is a creative in their domain of expertise/interest. Creativity is all around us. From the very first notification you woke up to, to the moment before you opened this article, you’ve been inundated by creativity.

From when you learned to read, the billboards you see on the side of the road, and you spend your time and your money in response to what creatives have created to put in front of you.

Creativity, more than a lake or a forest, is the landscape of our modern lives.

It’s time to do something better with your creativity.

To make better things by making things better.

To cause a change you’d like to see in the world.

The answer to just about every question in our ever changing digital world is actually the question, “HOW CREATIVE ARE YOU?

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To sum this up creativity is about choices and it doesn't literary require you to quit your job and pursue artistry, though it challenges you to rethink how you do your job.

Because where you stand determines what you see but it shouldn't determine where you are looking ,how you see and interpret things ! And your creativity is powered by your perspective.

This article is not about to swamp you with the holy grail for personal or business success like techniques, or projections that are way too optimistic to sound pragmatic, you have had a fare share of that already.

This is written heartily by an avid learner, microbiologist by academic, a creative by passion, marketer by day, writer and by night, from a writer's perspective with lessons, and reflections of some lived experiences in marketing, writing, as well as various interactions with everyone I have met virtually or physically in everyday life

At its very core, it has has three goals: impact, communicate and persuade. Impacting by getting you noticing you are creative enough. Communicating by articulating the value proposition of your creativity. Persuading by getting you to take action and get more creative with your art/talent whatever that could be.

This is about your creativity and the art of pursuing opportunities wholeheartedly or building a door so they can knock. Either way its about believing we all have what it takes to make it happen and succeed.

It's about overcoming a multigenerational conspiracy designed to sap your creativity and restlessness. It's about leading and making a difference and it's about succeeding.

It’s also a prequel to my upcoming publication series with the NewYorkTimes Reflections. Paradoxically I wish I should have written this five years ago. But I couldn't have written this book five years ago, because five years ago was pre-pandemic and a lot of digital transformations that have taken place from blockchain, NFTs, AR, metarverse e.t.c in which our culture wanted us to fit in, it paid us well to fit in, and it took care of you if you fit in.

Now, like it or not, the world wants something different from us. We need to think hard about what reality looks like now.

Right now the world with its embedded digital bandwagon presents us with a litany of different ways of interacting, working, earning, contributing and hence changing the status quo. Because the best future available to us is a future where you contribute your true self and your best work. Are you up for that?

One promise: the world/future to come (and this article) is neither small nor flat. This is a personal manifesto, a plea from me to you, a Call To Action and a reminder that inspiration you have been looking for is and has always been within.

All you have to do is summon it and get your creativity to action because you are a creative genius.


If a genius is someone with exceptional abilities and the insight to find the not so obvious solution to a problem.

Then you don't need to win a Nobel Prize to be one.

A genius looks at something that others are stuck on and gets the world unstuck.

So the question is: Have you ever done that?

Have you ever found a shortcut that others couldn't find?

Solved a problem that confounded your family?

Seen a way to make something work that wasn't working before?

Made a personal connection with someone who was out of reach to everyone else?

Even once? Yes, that's right you are a GENIUS

No one is actually a genius all the time.

Einstein had trouble finding his house when he walked home from work every day. But all of us are geniuses sometimes

In the Mad Men TV Show, you get a chance to dive deep into how folks worked in the creative industry. The show has seven good seven wwhich offers an interstingly look of how creativity, inspiration and innovations took place in the 1960's with limited resources, still men found ways to deliver great work.

For instance you get a glimpse of a world before desktop publishing, in which the best way to layout a complicated image for printing was to cut a rubylith.

Rubylith is a translucent sheet of thin plastic. A craftsperson would carefully cut the ruby, knowing that the parts it covered would reflect the light when the plate was created. It was difficult and painstaking work.

But that’s all obsolete now. An hour of cutting a ruby is replaced by two clicks in Illustrator.

Here’s the truth: images cut by hand with a rubylith weren’t better. They were simply the best available option.

As soon as technology allowed us to skip this step, many of them did. The others fought hard, pointing out that their craft was hard-won and that the old way was the better way.

The lesson here is defending your particular rubylith skill is not really a winning strategy. Because everyone else doesn’t care.

Defending better, on the other hand, is truly important

In reality, we don’t flip from not seeing to seeing.

Rather, we have a first glimpse of true understanding, and we sharpen what we see over time.

If, tomorrow, you finally figure out what the problem is, in your enthusiasm you might rush to turn that eureka moment into a plan for action. In reality it will take time before what you envision comes to fruition. Persistence has been the main denominator across, the book Innovators Dilemma, David Ogilvy's books and career as well as the Kanye West Trilogy which is literary about his journey from a college drop-out to the A-list Rapper/Fashion icon he is

For instance Sea levels are rising. It happens every?day, and it's been going on for a while. Most people aren't noticing, and won't, until it gets worse.

The thing is, incremental daily progress (negative or positive) is what actually causes transformation. A figurative drip, drip, drip. Showing up, every single day, gaining in strength, organizing for the long haul, building connection, laying track—this subtle but difficult work is how your creativity breeds success.

Elaine Glencoe, MSc, PCC

I coach leaders to Become Even More Amazing #BEMA

2 年

A great question for all of us to be asking, Peter Mkwawa! ???? Thank you for sharing this! ????


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