Kids, Creativity, Learning & Sir Ken Robinson
Guy Huntington
Trailblazing Human and Entity Identity & Learning Visionary - Created a new legal identity architecture for humans/ AI systems/bots and leveraged this to create a new learning architecture
Updated September 26, 2024
Listen to Sir Ken Robinson's famous Ted talk where he states:
"I heard a great story recently - I love telling it - of a little girl was in a drawing lesson. She was six, and she was at the back drawing, and the teacher said this little girl hardly ever paid attention, and in this drawing lesson she did. The teacher was fascinated. She went over to her, and she said, "What are you drawing?" And the girl said, "I'm drawing a picture of God." And the Teacher said, "But nobody knows what God looks like." And the girl said, "They will in a minute."
"What we do know is, if you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original - if you're not prepared to be wrong. And by the time they get to be adults, most kids have lost that capacity. They have become frightened of being wrong. And we run our companies like this. We stigmatize mistakes. And we're now running national education systems, where mistakes are the worst thing you can make. And the result is we are educating people out of their creative capacities."
"Picasso once said this, he said all children are born artists. The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up. I believe this passionately, that we don't grow into creativity, we grow out of it. Or rather, we get educated out of it."
It Starts With Each Child When They're A Toddler
To assist a child to learn and grow in their own creative way starts, when they're a toddler, understanding how they learn. Which is why, 8 years ago, when I started out on my journey to rethink learning, I had this vision in my head:
I could see when the child is a toddler, their mom or dad taking them to a local health centre. There I could see physical bots doing a learning assessment on a toddler. I wanted to be able to determine how they learned (or didn't learn), how they worked with others (or didn't work with others), what aptitudes they had, etc. My goal was to be able to diagnose things like ADHD, ASD, etc.
From this, I could see each child on the planet having their own DLT (Digital Learning Twin). I wanted to create this such that it would be constantly updated through the child/adult's life. It models learning for each child.
Next, I wanted to create, for each learner on the planet their own personalized IEP (Individualized Education Plan). I didn't want to wait until the child goes to school to put them in the traditional factory education model, based on time, with a teacher at the front, trying to educate all of them at once.
Back then, I could see how, over time, not overnight, the toddler child would be sent home with a physical learning assistant bot (think of much more advanced versions of QT Robot ). It would interact with the learner, and constantly update the DLT/IEP. It might even call in a human learning specialist (rethought teachers) to assist as and when required (either physically and/or leveraging AI/VR type environments).
This past spring i came across the work of Marie J. on her efforts to leverage co-design to assist all different types of people on the planet to learn. She'd written a book, "Nadia - Politics, Bigotry, Artificial Intelligence ". which documented her failure with the Australian government to implement a co-design system to assist disabled people interact with the government. She then took what she learned and created Cardiac Coach to assist people around the planet who have heart conditions.
I knew co-design must be baked into the learning architecture I created since it addresses all different type of learning as well as also addressing local dialects, cultures, indigenous people, etc. I could see how, over time, not overnight, the tech would advance allowing all learners around the planet to learn in ways that worked for them.
It Would Change Our Ideas of Schools
Let's say Jane Doe's daughter Mary was diagnosed when she was 3 years old as autistic and very gifted. By the time she came of age to enter school, she would have years of data in her DLT and would have a constantly updated IEP. This would force the school system to radically change i.e. their old time based system of grades wouldn't work anymore. Mary could hypothetically take university level classes when she's in elementary.
I Knew It Also Required a Rethink of Legal identity for Humans, AI Systems and Bots
Skim “AI Agents & Kids ” to understand why. Long ago, I realized this was a very large political hill to climb. Why? Legal identity, like learning, is frequently managed in many jurisdictions on the planet at the local state/province level. They're very territorial. So, I knew any architecture I created must still allow them to control it. I suggest you skim “State/Provincial Leaders -? A Major Problem Is Heading Your Way ."
Then There's Hundreds Of Millions Of Kids Who Don't Have Access To Learning
I've had a privileged life where I've been to hundreds of very poor villages around the planet. 8 years ago, when I set out on my journey to rethink learning, I didn't want to leave any learner behind on the planet. Thus, I architected addressing this. Skim “Vision: Learning Journey of Two Young Kids in a Remote Village” .
Learning Premises:
Let's Hypothetically Assume All Of This Comes To Be - What About Creativity?
New Tech Used To Keep The Current System Going
I can see where some jurisdictions on the planet will leverage the tech to enforce existing educational practices. Skim "How China Is Using Artificial Intelligence in Classrooms | WSJ ". This is exactly the opposite of what Sir Ken Robinson was talking about in the Ted talk referenced above.
AI's Ability To Literally Read Our Minds
A few years ago I was introduced to Divya Chander US physician and neuroscientist. She really scared me when she told me AI could now literally read our minds. Fast forward to spring of last year. Skim to the 19 minute 30 second mark of "The AI Dilemma" . A woman is shown a pic of a giraffe. The AI system, which doesn't know what she's been shown literally reads her mind and displays a pic of a giraffe.
Now, this must be put into context. To do this today, requires sophisticated, expensive equipment and know-how. However, when I watched the vid, this tech change curve created by Patrick Scannell was in my mind . I knew that sooner rather than later tech would appear making this easy and inexpensive to do.
I could easily see how this type of tech would be integral in learning. I also could see how it could easily be maliciously used against us. Thus, I realized the architecture must address this and created cost centres around this. Divya is way ahead. She's working with the UN and some countries on a neural bill of rights.
I don't have a magic wand to wave saying, "Do X, Y and Z". All I know in my gut and heart, is once we understand how a toddler learns, then it's time for a radical rethink in what they're presented with as learning opportunities to encourage creativity. In Ken Robinson's Ted talk above he states:
"I believe our only hope for the future is to adopt a new conception of human ecology, one in which we start to reconstitute our conception of the richness of human capacity. Our education system has mined our minds in the way we strip-mine the earth for a particular commodity. And for the future, it won't serve us. We have to rethink the fundamental principles upon which we're educating our children."
"There was a wonderful quote by Jonas Salk, who said, If all the insects were to disappear from the Earth, within 50 years all life on Earth would end. If all human beings disappeared from the Earth, within 50 years all forms of life would flourish. And he's right."
"What TED celebrates is the gift of the human imagination. We have to be careful now that we use this gift wisely, and that we avert some of the scenarios we've talked about. And the only way we'll do it is by seeing our creative capacities for the richness they area and seeing our children for the hope that they are. And our task is to educate their whole being, so they can ace this future. By the way - we may not see this future, but they will. And our job is to make something of it."
A Call To Creative Government Policy Makers
I'm not always the sharpest knife in the drawer. Sometimes on large teams I've lead a person will effectively say, "Guy YFOS (you're full of shit)! Didn't you know about Y when you wrote about X? Duh!" I love this because this is how bad ideas fall down and good ones emerge.
Thus, I've laid out an architecture at the 100,000 foot level, with a 503 page cost centre doc , containing 294 different cost centres, which are the starting points. I'm positive the architectures will change based on people smarter than me weighing in. Further, I can see the architectures changing as this tech change curve created by Patrick Scannell unfolds - Thus, I created the architectures allowing for this to rapidly occur.
it all boils down to political will. It requires creative policy makers who want to change. I suggest you read “Why Should Your Government Fund The Architectures? ”. Then bring together your creative people to rethink learning and creativity embodying what Sir Ken Robinson talked about.
Contact me if you want to chat.
PS A Learning Vision Article I Wrote Based On One Of Sir Ken Robinson's Ted Talks
About Guy Huntington
I'm an identity trailblazing problem solver. My past clients include Boeing, Capital One and the Government of Alberta's Digital Citizen Identity & Authentication project. Many of my past projects were leading edge at the time in the identity/security space. I've spent the last eight years working my way through creating a new legal identity architecture and leveraging this to then rethink learning.
I've also done a lot in education as a volunteer over my lifetime.?This included chairing my school district's technology committee in the 90's - which resulted in wiring most of the schools with optic fiber, behind building a technology leveraged school, and past president of Skills Canada BC and Skills Canada.
I do short term consulting for Boards, C-suites and Governments, assisting them in readying themselves for the arrival of AI systems, bots and AI leveraged, smart digital identities of humans.
I've written LOTS about the change coming. Skim the?over 100 LinkedIn articles ?I've written,?or my webpage ?with lots of papers.
Quotes I REALLY LIKE!!!!!!:
Reference Links:
An Identity Day in The Life:
My Message To Government & Industry Leaders:
National Security:
Rethinking Legal Identity, Credentials & Learning:
Learning Vision:
AI Agents:
AI/Human Legal Identity/Learning Cost References
AI Leveraged, Smart Digital Identities of Humans:
Companies, C-Suites and Boards:
Legal Identity & TODA:
Enterprise Articles:
Rethinking Enterprise Architecture In The Age of AI:
LLC's & AI:
Challenges With AI:
New Security Model:
Legal Identity:
Identity, Death, Laws & Processes:
Open Source:
Climate Change, Migration & Legal Identity:
Behavioral Marketing:
AI Systems and Bots:
Contract Law:
AI/AR/VR Metaverse Type Environments:
EMP/HEMP Data Centre Protection:
A 100,000-Foot Level Summary Of Legal Human Identity
A 100,000-Foot Level Summary Of The Learning Vision:
I think Ken Robinson is great, I have noticed he has re captioned he's lectures since the viral ted talk. Exactly the same principles, he's just re captioned his lectures more towards how were not only failing the children. Were now failing society by letting brilliant children who don't fall within the traditional ideology of academia go by the wayside. I love how you have applied such a practical solution to the problem. Rather than people like me who realise there's a problem. Then moan about it, lol. The problem of digital privacy, if a bot is to have all the data of a individuals learning patterns and more from birth is interesting. If information like that was obtained in the wrong regime (evil inc), it's going to feed a social scoring system without a doubt. Suddenly the Simpsons idea of a permeant record becomes a reality. It will take me some time to get my head around everything that has been covered and referenced in your fascinating article. Thanks for sharing.
?? Chief Failure Analyst ?? Discerning Ideator ?? ?? Transit Industry Advisor ?? ?? Author
2 周Interesting topic Guy Huntington. Looking forward to diving deeper in.
IELTS Practitioner & Founder | Remote Assistant for Edupreneurs, Teachers, & Coaches I manage admin tasks, emails, calendars, and social media presence so you can focus on what matters most
1 个月I see that you really care about kids education. You believe that every kids are special and they have their own way of thinking, so traditional school systems are unable to cope with. Seeing how vast AI has developed now, I think your idea that every kids will get assessment of the way they think and learn makes sense. I can imagine how advance the human being can evolve when everyone serves unique potential as each of them are unique resource. Correct me if I am wrong, skimming this writing, and I come up witu this intrepretation.