

Dear Keyboard WORRIERS,

There are many of us, especially Post Pandemic, which the by way the world is behaving, should be more accurately called Armageddon... anyway, not to digress, there are many of us now, more than ever, communicating our thoughts via the increasing wonders of social media.

I keep getting told about algorithms and how they affect our visibility across social media. It sometimes feels like a Sisyphean Task, a never ending labour, hopeless and endless...

Firstly, I salute my beautiful friends, colleagues, clients and potential clients for your courage to share on these platforms. It can feel pointless, can’t it? Yet, we do it. But why? Personally, I do it because I have something to say, and I love putting my thoughts and feelings into words. I see it as a way of brain dumping, then re-organising my thoughts into what is (hopefully) an entertaining read. I enjoy receiving feedback, but I’m not hung up on “likes” or comments, because they feed into the need for validation, which I try not to focus on too much.

Ah, but some of us sit in a little camp of creative entrepreneurism. We rely on social media, not just as a precarious route to clients, but also as a source of camaraderie, inspiration, encouragement and yes, I dare say it because no one else will, acknowledgment; just to feel that we are heard. We are bursting with thoughts and feelings, so we choose this bonkers vehicle as an outlet.

So, do creatives need an audience for our work? Do we need validation?


I once stood in a seemingly endless queue in the Louvre, to see the Mona Lisa and then perused the enigmatic smile, and left almost in a huff, feeling like everyone was in on a big secret I didn’t know about. I didn’t understand what the enormous fuss was about; I love art. It’s a big part of my life. I’m a member of the Royal Academy, the V&A, the National Gallery, the Tate and the British Museum. I studied Renaissance to Pre-Raphaelite art at Sotheby’s, so you can imagine, I get quite excited when I go to look at paintings and sculptures, particularly famous ones. I often pop into the Wallace Collection to see that bit of frothy Rococo smut, The Swing by Fragonard. I practically squealed with delight when I finally found the Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch in Madrid. I almost cried with joy when I looked at Gustav Klimt’s Adele Block Bauer in New York, but Mona? She left me cold. I can’t see what the fuss is about.

My irrelevant opinion aside, I’m sure Da Vinci didn’t envisage coach loads of tourists from all over the world waiting patiently in line to take a selfie with Gioconda. The point is, none of these painters needed or wanted validation. They probably needed funding, and that’s a different matter altogether, but they made their art because they HAD to. That’s what artists do. They create because they must. So now what do we do, when everyone is creating like mad, and nobody wants to feel unseen?

This is a kick up the creative bum to every single one of my real or virtual chums; I know how hard it is. I know how much you want to give, you need to give, and how it can feel overwhelming, like you’re in a giant echo chamber of emotions - all of them - anxiety, despair, joy, euphoria, but sometimes the emptiness - vast and seemingly endless vacuum of nothingness… but you know it isn’t. You know this will pass. You know how strong you are, because you’ve always had to be, and you’re still here. I know you’re tired but please keep going. Your journey is long but you are already doing so much along the way. Just keep on keeping on. Every day you make a difference. It might not always feel like it, but you are.

You can’t see the amount of times someone has read your words and taken great comfort from them.

You don’t know how many men and women have been touched by your story.

You have no idea what you’ve inspired and what is in the process of being created because of you even now.

Remember the Butterfly Effect.

They see you.

They may be currently too overwhelmed or might not be brave enough to interact with you, yet, yet, yet.

Keep doing what you’re doing, because one day your dream client, or magazine editor, publisher or agent will be all over you like a bad rash. Your time is coming. Everything is on the way. Keep creating. I believe in you. We need your awesome keyboard warrior spirits more than ever.

I help you recalibrate your emotions so that you can have better business and personal relationships

I use psycho education, meditation, visualisation both in and out of trance and, where legal, plant medicine

Tanya x

If you would like to know more about how I can help you develop your own powerful emotional resilience so you can thrive in tough times, please book a call with me

Amazing. As always, beautifully written and so wise xx

Sophia Husbands

ERP IT Trainer | Change Consultant | Writer | Entrepreneur

8 个月

Thanks for writing this, Tanya. As you know, the art of storytelling is one of my loves. For a long time, I stopped writing and sharing my work as I thought it was not good enough. After I received negative criticism, - a nasty review - from a writing coach. Going back to the feedback, a friend once said to me when I was going through writer's block how to write something that I would enjoy reading.


