Paul Levine
Commercial Realtor and Real Estate Advisor | Retired CPA with over 50 years of income tax experience that no other Commercial Realtor has, Income Tax Consultant and unmatched Creatively!
I always post something here about the tax benefits of owning and operating Self Storage facilities. I also talk about the fact that this type of Real Estate investment is one of the best there is when you consider the great cash flow compared to other Real Estate investments and the ease of operating a Self Storage facility when compared to a Multifamily Housing asset, an apartment building, or a large shopping center or even a strip mall.
But, today I would like to tell you what happened with one potential client. I have been remiss in mentioning my partner, Dale Farrow, only once in all of my posts and he deserves a lot more credit than that. Dale has been in the building industry for 34 years and, compared to me, he is a mere kid at 52 years old. Old enough to have great experience and young enough to get his hands dirty in the building process while supervising his crews.
We have a potential client, someone who will most likely sign with us, who has a problem with the quality of the land that he owns and wants to build a Self Storage facility on. Dale got the details of the land and designed a different kind of structure that would be as strong as any other that we build but would be stable on this specific piece of land. Dale designed a number of different structures for us and comes up with new ideas all the time. I have shown a number of his drawings here on this webpage and they are all of the highest quality. Dale also thinks of the smaller details like having a loading zone for large trucks where the back of the truck will be in a well and even with the floor of the building and right next to the freight elevator.
So, together, we make a team that affords, I'm noticing that I use that word a lot and I really haven't used it much in the past, the owner/operator of a Self Storage facility great tax benefits, above-average cash flow, and a structure that will stand up for a long time with minimal maintenance problems. He and I work well together for one reason, to give you, our clients, a quality product while delivering on all of the promises we make you. Dale and I have the same work ethic and treat our clients with respect and care.
I know that, in construction, clients are disappointed with the contractor for not completing the projects on time and coming in way over budget. But we can promise you this, we will come in on time and on budget because that is what Dale is all about!
My name is PAUL LEVINE and you can call me at (818) 298 - 4000 or send an email to me at "[email protected]". And here is one of Dale's drawings of our facilities.