For the Creatives!
We’re all aware of the countless ways that social media has opened the word up for us. But Andrew Denton makes a valid point in an article by Brendan Coyne when he recommends we stay away from it when in the midst of a creative purple patch.
Citing the BBC’s rejection of Fawlty Towers, Denton speaks of the criticism that undermines creative courage and that “the toxic and destructive online environment” of social media makes it even tougher to “bring ideas to life”. It subtly and often unconsciously pushes us down the safe path, rather than the road less travelled – the road which offers unexplored potential, new connections and solutions that create opportunities.
His comments are relevant to us marketers and advertisers. Clients often want the same successful strategy, the familiar fix that gets results but we have to trust our gut and keep innovating, reaching for that new pearl.
Expansion into that creative space requires us to collaborate with those we trust and “be busy, hungry and silent” according to Denton. “Then when you are ready, be bold. If you do that…you will find value in your creative life that sustains you long after he applause, or heaven forbid the boos, have faded”.