Creatively Effective Campaigns Speak To Us
Lisa Phillips
Creativity is intelligence having fun.nbsp;~ Albert Einstein All hail to campaigns that are EFFECTIVE!nbsp;My personal favorites are those that SPEAK to us.nbsp;Either to our shared experience of life (professional or personal),nbsp;or to our quest for knowledge. The winning formula is inherently human-centric while weaving CREATIVITY and INTELLIGENCE together and fueling them continuously. Lucky for me, marketing creatively effective campaigns is one of my pleasures in life. I love them all... not only the ones that Im fortunate enough to be apart of, but all brands that attempt this make me happy! The images, copy, and ideas dazzle me. I feel theyre sending me a wink and a nod, and/or a valuable piece of knowledge. Heck, I guess thats why I often refer to this as commercial art!?? When I come upon these types of posts, or emailed newsletters, my response is: I get it!nbsp;Then, if it actually makes me think (i.e., isnt completely obvious), I reach out with a t-a-p to open, LIKE, or LOVE. Ive been inspired to THINK and therefore ACT.nbsp;Once this occurs, the brand and I are united. We have engagement. I have become or remain an insider and they have become a friend. So C O O L! Now, its up to the brand to continue our engagement through a RETURN PATH. The Art of Marketing Creatively Effective Campaigns Includes a Path to REVOLVING Engagement.nbsp; I find it amusing to hear social media marketers justify analytics showing anemic ROI.nbsp;I hired a top firm in a specific market niche to partner with me to bring a startup to market.nbsp;Each month they presented pages and pages of analytics, and pointed to their success at GROWTH in numbers of followers. When I asked about conversion and engagement they explained how the formula is first to address AWARENESS through growth, and then we can look to do something else. 4 MONTHS LATER and several thousands of dollars gone, that growth netted the brand NOTHING. Startups cant afford this. NO ONE CAN. Todays social media managers arent far removed from traditional ad agencies who are pushing one-way messaging. They design posts, then plan and traffic media buys or PPC campaigns based on demographics and broad targets.nbsp;Neither media managers nor agencies are focused on return paths because it simply doesnt boost their bottom lines and it requires attention, focus, and customization.nbsp;All too expensive to manage within an agency. This isnt a strategy that they can scale with. Knowing which components need to be a part of creatively effective campaigns is what equips brands with the much needed know-how to launch and fuel growth over and over again! ??THE QUEEN OF CREATIVE EFFECTIVENESSnbsp;?? Laura Roder founder of MeetEdgar (The Social Media Scheduling Tool That Manages Itself and happens to be an Octopus), never disappoints with hernbsp;content.nbsp;I discovered Laura five years ago on social media. I was impressed by her clear articulation and simplification of what I found to be complex.nbsp;I took her Social Brilliance training course. I still hear the sound of her voice as I author my blogs.nbsp;Today, MeetEdgar produces an email newsletter that ties to their website, and is jam packed with several individual topics related to marketing and engagement.nbsp;She streamlines her effort by brilliantly segmenting each topic within the newsletter.nbsp;She then chunks down, (one of her favorite suggestions), each individual topic into posts onto all of her social feeds; LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.nbsp;Her newsletters are written in a friendly, oftentimes witty voice, and she is always topically relevant and generous with her insight! No matter which social channel Im at when I come across her posts, I find that her content speaks to me. I love that she practices what she preaches! Ya, she is MY queen! Take a look MeetEdgars blog and sign up for her newsletter to see how all of these pieces fit together! PRE-LAUNCH MARKETING EFFECTIVENESS STRATEGY Building branding which is worth noticing right into your product or service at the point of conception is optimal.nbsp;Avoid just slapping on the marketing function as a last-minute add-on. Its crucial to your understanding that without doing so, you risk being invisible - no matter how much time and treasure you invest after launching. If you take branding into consideration at this early stage youll have an easier time marketing with creatively effective campaigns that really work. Determine a single traffic channel (LinkedIn, Email, Instagram, etc.) to promote your brand out-the-gate and master it before jumping to another.nbsp;Keep in mind that engagement and the success of any campaign is a product of the messaging.nbsp;Try A/B testing at this stage. MARKETING EFFECTIVENESS POST LAUNCHnbsp;STRATEGY Are your creatively effective campaigns speaking to your intended consumers? Today we have a plethora of analytics and data to measure this.nbsp;Often young brands have little patience for all these numbers, and become intimidated by the mention of analytics. It’s not enough to just have and know the numbers. You need to know what they mean. Once patterns emerge, targeted campaigns will turn data into action with meaningful insight!nbsp;True analysis is data with a plan. $ THE COST OF CAMPAIGNS THAT FAIL TO BE EFFECTIVE $ Campaigns that fail at creative effectiveness actually harm brands and their founders.nbsp;They have the opposite effect of inspiring engagement.nbsp;I find them to be an assault on my senses my while simultaneously insulting my intelligence.nbsp;Not only are they draining, I move quickly to repulsion and resentment. Wow... strong stuff. I refuse to let my brand or any of my clients fall prey to the never-ending push to produce more and more content. Creating content that touches our intellect creatively is a gift! In this regard, less is MORE when it comes to producing creatively effective campaigns that fuel engagement because they speak to us!