The Creative Week That Was: August 31, 2018
Doug Zanger
Uncle Advertising | Indie Agency News | Consulting agencies, brands and talent to build more confidence | Minnesota Born, South Jersey Raised, Proud Northwesterner | Quiet Hell-Raiser | INFP-A
Alrighty, folks. Summer is over but don't think that just because most of the Northern Hemisphere has it in second gear, that the creative hits won't keep coming. Here are 10 that we saw this week that were particularly tasty.
1) 100% a home run from Doner. The comeback when Supreme co-opted Farmland's logo.
2) Superbly moving work from L.A.'s Haymaker as foster youth see the beach for the first time.
3) Another KFC stunt? Why do we even ask anymore?
4) Lin-Manuel Miranda takes us around his neighborhood in a new American Express ad from mcgarrybowen.
5) Domino's taking over for government? Pothole paving goes national.
6) HP had another moving one—this time, a social experiment to show what a real "All-American" family looks like today.
7) Oh, the 90s, you minx. Funny stuff from Skoda France.
8) From the home front, the last Blockbuster standing gets its own beer.
9) Super stuff featuring Serena for Nike from Wieden + Kennedy Portland.
10) Saatchi Stockholm with a beautifully shot ad.
Bonus: I was out last week, but here's a piece on creativity in the age of Trump. I enjoyed hearing from the creatives on this one.
Have a wonderful long weekend and, as always, feel free to send fun creative stuff my way at doug dot zanger at